I always try to keep a positive attitude.
For the most part, I believe that I have a pretty good life and overall there really isn’t a lot for me to be in much of a bad mood about. However, like everyone else, from time to time it happens. The reason for my getting in a bad mood is generally due to life stresses that we all face on a daily basis.
As much as I might try to keep a fairly level head and calm attitude, there are times that it seems that certain things “catch up to me”. However, when they do, I always try to relax and return to the fact that I do have a pretty good life.
Sometimes, even though I have faith that my life is playing out the way that God wants it to, I need a little reassurance to let me know that all is still good. So when I do, I will ask God to give me some kind of sign that whatever I am troubled over is going to be alright.
I am always surprised with the answer that I get.
The other night, while at the end of a vacation, I was a little upset about what seemed to be a lot of little things. I was sitting at a restaurant on the water and had just watched a beautiful sunset. After the sun had set and the sky had darkened, I was thinking about why I was upset and, as I do sometimes, I asked God to give me a sign to let me know that everything was okay. As I asked that, simultaneously a star appeared in the sky and a light from a boat appeared on the horizon. I was wondering if this was supposed to mean something when a thought popped into my head: I am like a boat at sea navigating with a sextant and God is my guiding star.
I started wondering to myself if I was just making this all up in my mind; so, I asked if this was really the sign I was supposed to get. At that moment one of the biggest shooting stars that I have ever seen shot straight across the sky right towards the boat and the star. I knew that I was not alone – God was with me – and that all was going to be alright. So I gave my troubles up to God and enjoyed the rest of my evening.
God gives us signs all of the time. In case we don’t see the signs, we have been told by God that we should not fear anything because He is always with us.
If we look to the bible for how God’s love for us helps us through difficult to troubling times, we can find the following passages:
Psalm 94:18-19 says “When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.
1 Peter 5:6-7 tells us “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
God does help us navigate through the daily stresses of life and He is always there with us. So next time you are feeling stressed, reflect on the two passages above and ask God for a sign that everything will be okay. Once you do, keep yourself open as you never know how His sign might come to you.
Welcome …. these are simple truths that we can all live by, trusting yourself enough to speak about the Lords love for us is quite comforting and rewarding… Keep up the good work…
I enjoy visiting your site and reading your stories. Nice work.
aint it the truth–we never need to be alone unless we choose to be.
nice….i enjoyed reading it…and 100% true…everything in your story is true..as long as you with God, everything will be fine.. ♥
I have seen His Hand so many times and know He guides my life even when I make a wrong turn..I enjoy you Whispers so much keep them coming.
It’s been so long since I have REALLY asked God for a sign, I have had so much hurt, and loss I had forgotten how God will encourage us. Thanks for the reminder of Gods love
As I read your story, I Got the Biggest Goose Bumps and Could feel The Holy Ghost all around me! Yes, the lord is always with us, even when we don’t feel that he is. He never leaves us, we move away! The Lord talks and he walks with me everyday. He shows me his Love and Mercy in the smallest ways possible, if you can see and hear. God Bless.
This is truly a blessing in my eyes. Its the small things in life that we dont pay attention to that mean the most.
Jesus died for us and alls he asked for in return is to have faith in him.
Your words of comfort are a blessing each day. God would seem way to
busy with bigger things than I, so I call upon the Angels to communicate
to me and they give me a sign from God. Thank you for all you support
and encouragement. I am going through something difficult and the
words were healing. Thank you…….One of God’s children……..
Please never stop writing….you seem like the right person for this
privilege to serve your Lord and Master.
I love to read all the stories they are so up lifting! I know God will help me through the troubled times i am having please say a prayer for me . Thank you.
Im going through a really difficult time in my life. I just had a cancerous polop removed and now surgury to remove the uterous. My husband lost his job last year and Im self employed without income when I dont work. Please pray for me I need a sign that all will be well.
amen!! Praise and worship Him! I know the feeling you had there… I’ve been into soo many situations like that and at times, i felt i was slipping away from him. God never left my side, He was quietly following me, waiting with arms wide open. And when i finally realize i have slipped away and come back, his hug is wayyyyy biggger, harder than the last… He has answered my prayers in sooo many ways. And lastly, I felt His spirit come to me and hug me and told me that everything is going to be ok… That was the most rewarding experience ever… And wanting more… So yupp prayer will always help us…. 🙂 honor u for believing in Him!!
Linda Pary 1 Time Put It in Gods hands HAVE FAITH! He is here for you He just wants you to have faith!
Oops Sry Misses print PRAY!
Thanks so so much for sharing your story. And thank you for having your website on facebook, I already have recommended to my friends 🙂
Thank you for sharing your experience on my Facebook. I posted mine last week on my wall about walking with me during a health situation when I had a relapse. God or “the spirit” or “his whisper” walked beside me when I was in the hospital as well as in my bedroom at home.. I was very young.. around 23.. I have always carried this thru my life as well as when I was 3 and asked to tt Jesus behind the door at local church. At first I was scared like “what is this feeling” and by the time I woke up I was so calmed and felt cured and that someone was watching over me. I have not always told my story to everyone as you think they may think you might need a trip to the ‘psyhc’ ward. I share it openly now when the time is right. I’m a believer that God shows us signs in different ways if we have the calmness to wait for his signals. Thank you for sharing and please feel free to share mine. Cecile
Wow. That was pretty powerful. Strange thing happened to me at work a couple of months ago. I was outside where I worked smoking (I know its bad to smoke), but I was depressed about my life. So I started to pray. I wanted to die. I wanted to be with Jesus and leave my problems behind. After I prayed and cried out to the Lord, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. A gentleman, came out of the stall as I was washin my hands and keap staring at me. I looke him his face and he said “rough day?” I said yeah somewhat. He told me it will be ok. I thought he was nuts at first, as I dried my hands, he held the door open for me just smilling. I told him I would be a moment longer and thanks. after the door shut I got the chills and I rushed out of the bathroom and he was NOWHERE to be found. I cried because I knew Jesus had sent me someone to tell me I will be ok. I get emotional still about that to this day. God is so awesome, I had to tell you about this. God Bless and keep up the awesome work.
This was just beautiful and you have been blessed with a talent to express yourself to others.I have been going through a rough patch in the road myself. I had to stand on my two feet and pick up a part time job 3 nights a week as well as my full time one.I am doing better and know God is a awsume God.Gods Blessings to you.Keep the spirit of God in your writing and life.
Also, can everyone please say a prayer for me and my son? We are going thru a difficult time on our lives. I am moving out of my home on june 1st after being with my husband for 24 years. I feel we argue too much, daily, and cannot get along at all. And it is too stressful for everyone concerned. So I feel me moving into an apartment 4 blks away, will help? I know it is not the right way, but hoping we will begin to like each other again, and enjoy each other again. And still remain married. The way I see it, its not about the quantity of time spent together, but the quality. So please everyone if you can, please say a prayer that hopefully everything will work out. For me, my son, my husband and grandchildren. Thanks so so much, God bless you.
God is so awesome. Crazy that I was feeling stressed and out of sort for the past few days. There is your post on facebook. At first I wasn’t going to read it, too busy too lazy etc but for some reason I felt that I needed to read it. The reminder that God is ALWAYS with us and to know others have troubling time and can’t figure out why really helped. Thanks and God bless you.
I was so blessed by this account of the ever present love of our LORD. Thank you for sharing with us.
I am a Christian, I am helping a friend who is going through a bad depression right now. I also am Bi-polar so God is definetly having to lend me a hand. I was touched by what you wrote. I read it to her to help strengthen her. She was also very touched and wants me to send this to her. She said she would love to have you as a facebook friend, as she knows she has to make some changes in her life, starting with the kinds of friends she has. My name is listed on facebook as trish clark shelton and hers is elizabeth auld. I too write, you wanted feedback on what you wrote so I just want to say YOU GO BOY……IT WAS TOUCHING , HEARTFELT AND SO VERY TRUE!!!
What an awesome sign, I think God is always showing us signs and we keep missing them because of our “hurried lives.” We just need to take the time to ask and be still and know that He is God….and remember what we are really here for. Thank you for that…
thanks for being GODS MESSENGER friend i am so blessed to be stressed
WOw! That was awesome! I got chilled reading your article. God is good. Yes, I do believe that God is always watching over us and ready to help us whenever we are in needs. God Bless
Your whisperings are always uplifting and thought provoking.. I do not doubt for one minute that God uses you to whisper to us. You put into words what we are sometimes afraid to put into words…God has blessed you and God bless you more and moe. Thank you.
“Signs and wonders” are some of the ways that keeps me connected to our Lord when dealing with the feelings of anxiety and uncertainty about my journey. Thank you for your article. What an affirmation of His love and desire let you know that you are connected to Him and that he hears your requests for confirmation ath all was going to be alright.
I had a similar experience on the beach in FL, looking for a sign that God had heard me… I thought He would show me dolphins, and when none appeared after a long period of time, I walked disappointed back to the hotel – when I turned back around for the last view of the beach, there was a huge rainbow.
I am also doing through a diffcult time in my life. I have been unemployed for several months too. I have with back to school and will be done in a couple of weeks. I starting my on business and selling Mary Kay. I almost lost my house, but God brought in David to help me out. He is attorney and has helped me in so many ways. I have really been blessed with him. We have become friends and he lost a friend a couple of months ago. So we are good for each other.
After reading this, I know that God is always there watching over us and guiding us through life… I believe that God brought David into my life for business and friendship too. I beiieve that my faith has help me to overcome my fears and to be postive. Good things happen to positive people… GOD IS GREAT….
Just keep the faith and God will be there for you
It amazes me at how much your daily messages seem to be right where I am at the moment I read them. They are much needed and I look forward to them everyday. Thank you so much!
I really need to hear that. I have been stress about some situations that Ihave been going through lately. I feel like I can never be happy again worrying and being stress over these problems. Financial children. Now I know I just have to keep the faith.
There are so many times that I have seen and been blessed by the Glory of God… well more than I could ever possibly deserve.. for anyone who questions the existance or has never felt they had God touch thier lives.. they have just never looked or listened.. as much as I have experienced.. it still chills me to think of the times when I was closed up and missed HIM! God is so real.. and is there for us!!!
I Was feeling very overwhelmed one day taking care of
my new baby and my 5 year old with no rest in sight. I was crying and asked God for comfort and to let me know everything would be o.k. I got my bible and BEFORE I opened it I was reminded of a scripture my mother had told me before that brought me comfort. I had no idea where it was in the Bible. I opened it up to a random page and started reading. As I read I realized this was that very same scripture. It was if He was saying that directly to ME! Boy, was I ever comforted. I felt as if His arms were wrapped around me at that moment. God is sooo awesome! This is that scripture:
He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young.
Isaiah 40:11
My GOD be with Us, In JESUS Name
There is no fear where there is faith
That was awesome..God is awesome.There was a young lady Linda who commented about having a cancerous polyp and is having her uterus taken out… Linda I am going on 2yrs this Dec 5 cancer free!!! Praise God. I had cancer of the uterus and I had a radical hysterectomy. God has covered me with His love and protection and His healing. I will keep you in my prayer!
This is a great and beautiful thought for thought for today…Thank you!
It has been a really long time since I have REALLY asked God for a sign. There was a time whn i used to be so confused as to wht im doing is Right Or Wrong. I have had so much hurt and pain & used to wonder wether god is doin all ths for smthn good. Thn things started to change & seem to be clear. Wht u said was absolutely correct. God does giv us signs,, We jst need to hav trust and undrstnd it. 🙂
Thank you so much for your postings on FB daily. I look so forward to them daily. So uplifting and true. God is using you to reach others and I pray that you reach some of the unsaved, this world is in such need for salvation. There is so much sin everywhere, I think time is short. Our Lord will be coming soon. Thanks again for using the gift God has given you in such a positive way!!
I really enjoy you on FB. You are so awesome. Through Jesus Christ we can do all things. He blessed you in a big way. These passages really comforted my heart.
I enjoy you so much on Facebook. You bring peace to me with your words. These scriptures in this article are so powerful. Thank you for doing this . God gave you a gift , and you are using it very well.
I have been struggling for awhile now with anxiety,fears and moderate to severe stressful situation. I have had a pretty rough few years. I read and view your passages and words everyday you post them and I get a sigh of comfort and relief knowing that God is with me everyday. You truly are an amazing speaker and it is such a beautiful thing for you to share with others.
I really enjoyed your passage. I got goose bumps reading it. I know when I am feeling stuck in a hard spot in my life all I have to do is put it in God’s hands and I know that everything will work out the way God intends it to. I enjoy your thoughts of the day very much also- they always seem to fit with whats going on in my life. Thank you for having this site!
I get goose bumps when I read ur page. Thank You so much for sharing with us. I really enjoy it.
Your reflections and thoughts are such a blessing to me…I often share them with people who are going through tough times……thanks for making things easier to understand
i like this very much when GOD shows us that HE knows what we are going through w/out talking to HIM. As HE says *** that HE SEARCHES THE HEART. I also ask for GOD to show me that everything will be alright and that manifestation from HIM will come into my life. i really need HIS WILL to manifest for me here on earth, now. HE also says *** to wait patiently, in JESUS NAME.
You remind me of me .That is sooo comforting,i feel like God led me to your story because i feel like i’m not supposed to be angry or look for signs or when u said u weren’t sure if those were just your own thoughts,and God let you know and brought you comfort.It’s hard for me sometimes because as much as i love God i feel i should be happier and i do get frustrated and angry.so often you hear the good and only see the happy faces of a christian that when i am sad or mad i feel guilty for it.Thanks for being real i feel you truely are blessed by God.I enjoy your inspiration.God bless you&Thank-You Jesus that alone brings me joy.
Thank you so much for this, I needed this. I am going to do this. I have the scriptures written out and on my board above my monitor and I am going to put them on my refrigerator also. I am going to pass these on to a friend. God bless and have a great day!
You have been my guiding star this evening; thank you. I will sleep peacefully, now.