I am sure we have all been in a position where we have been working hard to accomplish something; you invest hours and hours into reaching a goal, finishing a project, studying for an exam… only to find that as you are nearing the finish line you start to question yourself.
You start to wonder: am I good enough, smart enough, will people listen to or like me…
Self-doubt creeps into the back of your mind and you start to question yourself. You start to lose confidence in your ability to carry through to your goal.
In order to be successful one needs to believe that they have the ability, knowledge, and strength to accomplish the goals that are set before them. This is not easy as there are many obstacles that lie in front of us on our road to success and we don’t need to be creating our own.
If self-confidence is one of the keys to success, then self-doubt is the destroyer.
Where is it that self-doubt comes from?
Self-doubt stems from our past experiences. Quite possibly we have faced failure in the past and we question our own ability to be successful now. Or, perhaps we have been told by others in the past that we weren’t good enough to get something done. In either case, self-doubt is usually a learned emotion.
If we can remember back to when we were children or if we look at children around us, we can see fearlessness. We are fearless and think we can accomplish anything until we are told and learn to believe that we can’t. We are told that we might fail even before we try something.
Self-doubt is the fear of failure. Self-doubt is the feeling that we don’t have what it takes to accomplish our goal.
Okay, now for a shocking revelation…. failure is, as much as no one likes to fail, the key to success. There probably have been more failures in the history of mankind that there have been successes. But the people who have overcome failure are the ones that have the confidence that if they keep trying their persistence will overcome any failures.
Thomas Edison said “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Winston Churchill said “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”
Had these people given into self-doubt and not continued striving for success, we might not have had the light bulb as soon as we did nor would we have had one of the key people who were instrumental in bringing an end to World War II.
But it is not only these people or others like them that we can take inspiration from in our battle with self-doubt, we can also find stories about successes over self-doubt in the bible.
In Exodus 6, God was trying to use Moses to free the Israelites from their captors and the following happened:
“Moses reported this to the Israelites, but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage. Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the Israelites go out of his country.” But Moses said to the LORD, “If the Israelites will not listen to me, why would Pharaoh listen to me, since I speak with faltering lips?” Exodus 6:9-12
Moses’ self-doubt came about from his past experience trying to talk to the Israelites. The Israelites didn’t listen to him. So relying on this experience, he doubted anyone else would listen to him. But God told Moses to go and talk to the Pharaoh and Moses followed God’s command. After Moses’ visit with the Pharaoh, the Israelites were freed.
What if Moses had given into his self-doubt?
We need to learn to accept that self-doubt may come into our lives and try to derail us from accomplishing our goals. We also need to learn to overcome these doubts and continue to work towards what we think is the right course of action. Just as Moses proved to himself that God would give him the strength and courage to standup to the Pharaoh, we need to be confident that God will give us the strength and courage to overcome any doubts we might have about our ability to succeed.
This is a word in due season for me. Last year I was in school preparing for an exam that would help me in my current career. It was something I had wanted for years to do. I knew I could be a success at this even though I hated taking tests.
During my course I had a terrible family upset that shook me to my very core to the point where I was no longer the confident person who could accomplish anything. Prior to that I was confident I could do anything, afterall, I had graduated college at 52 with honors so this seemed like another step in reaching my goals.
This article has helped me see that I have been “destroying myself” with the self-doubt, self-loathing, and all the other self destructive behaviors and emotions I have allowed in my life because of this one thing. Now that the realization is there I have to take steps to heal, deal, and move on from this so that I can accomplish my goals I’ve worked so hard towards.
Thank you so much for this article and pray for me to stay on the right track regardless of what is around me.
This is great !!! I LIKE IT.!!!!! Edna
I have been praying to God to help me with a problem I am having. After resding this it reassured me that God is listening and I will get my answer only in his time. Thank you for reassuring my faith
how well the enermy uses our mind to drop his destructive forces into it but the word is our buckler and our sword against such attacks thank you so much for making this article available to us here on facebook may god bless and increase your efforts to spread his word
I really needed to read this one and learn something from it. Thank you so much for all your help thru the Whisper of God….
After reading this I realised that ,as children we learned self doubt! I still have it to some degree today and I will soon be 70yrs.of age.I too let self doubt interfer with the way I raised my sonand I have been trying to build up his confidence in himself for several years.I really apreciate this article and your efforts to be of help to those of us who need truthful answers! God bless yo abundantly.
Your are truly a Messenger from the Lord… and reading this made me very emotional because this has been a very tough year for me at work. Our Pastor constantly tells us that when things are “difficult” in our human eyes it is because our Lord is preparing us for something way much better!!!! This past year I have been stretched, crushed, torn beyond imaginable… to the point I have had nervous breakdowns thinking I couldn’t do it no more!!!! I have learned to be patient, tolerant, professional, diplomatic, charismatic, look UP towards the Lord for His Guidance and I can truly feel TODAY the Lord let me see once again HE IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL of any situation… I have been placed in a position of responsibility to oversee that a contract pertaining to the well being of patients be carried out correctly and according to standards – Today, not only did I pass along with my co-workers but I was recognized and congratulated by upper management!!!! I FELT TRULY RELIEVED and BLESSED!!!!! I COULD DO IT!!!! And I became emotional reading this because in the past, during my childhood, I was many times told that I couldn’t do it or was compared to others, to my brother… Thank You, Lord for having my back and helping me through… I SUCCEEDED!!!! 🙂
Thank you for posting this…I am in College now, I have been studying for a test, and I feel like I dont have the memory to remember what is being taught…Your post was inspiring, but I know I will need God to help me get through…Please pray for me, I am takig a test Thursday!
This is good reading and helps me rethink my objectives. Mixing God with my job is a scary situation . My job and the will to keep in my current career bring me down. I’m depressed alot about it. Ive prayed about this before and I’m still with same career so what I fear now if my faith being destroyed because nothing has changed. I’m surprised I’m writting this now but I think it shows I still have a little hope, not much but a little. The hope is that God is real and a job position that suits me better will happen soon and very soon, giving me my life back which is being taken away with this over the road trucking job. I’m already 51 years old and slowly giving up hope that I’ll get a job which allows me to live, not just drive all the time . Trucking is a life style and I’m tired of it. I’m not believing it will somehow improve. I’m ready to do something else. Its seems I’ve put conditions on God with this job change. At this time, I’m not happy to admit but unless I get out of this kind of work, I’ll eventually fade and then die. There is much more to life than being gone from home all the time, work a job all the time and when home not get much accomplished anytime. I feel At this point in my life, I’m feeling the only hope left is another job and I’m running out of life.
I lost my husband last year and it has been a struggle to hold on to my home. We did not plan for this financially and then I am unemployed. I have prayed to God to help my find a job but so far nothing has happened. I have a boat slip I can sell which would help and I have prayed to God to let me sell it so I can stay in my home. My strength and will is just about gone and I have decided that I will have to sell my home. This is so depressing but I am still managing to keep my faith in God but I will have to admit it has been hard at times. I guess if it is not meant to be then it won’t but I haven’t given up yet but I am running out of options. This was our dream home and it will be very hard for me to give it up and move somewhere else. And where do I go.
Thanx Elmer!! Im preparing to take my contractors test and was full of self doubt. The Lord has blessed me soooo much. Its amazing what happens when you try and follow his will to the best of your ability!! I waa told by people close to me many times that I couldnt do this or that and I believed them!!! But God ALWAYS says you can!!! Blessings to all , Matt
As I was reading this article, I realized that what has been holding me back is self doubt. I was always taught if I work and try hard enought, I can accomplish my dream. I believe visions and dreams come from God, because my purpose in life is chosen by God from the foundation of the world. When I was but a thought God set my purpose in motion on this earth. I am a minister. I know God has called me, He also choose me to carry His Gospel. without realizing it doubt has begin to set in because of people, you know the one who think, she can’t do it, why would God call her, I can do it better than her and etc…, therefore I am in a holding status
and I am thinking “too” much. I realized, I have taken my eye of God and the plan He purposed for me. “I seem to have stopped in the middle.” I also am starting a business, and I am not enthusiastic about working on my web sit like I was when I first started. I am struggling with just opening up my web site and working to finish it, my goal was to have it finished by the end of 2009. “I seem to have stopped in the middle.” Thank you Elmer! Thank you for this article, it has brought clarity to a big part of my life. After reading your article I realized that I had allowed doubt to work itself into my mind. Because of it I can not be “All That God Want Me To Be.” So thank you, now I know that prayer and determination will get me back on the right path, and the right path is God’s way. For the
Scriptures tell us that “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.” (Psalm 37:23).
Thank you for this message. But, if we begin with mental or physical disabilities that cause us to have extreme difficulty in understanding or in ability to physically accomplish our goals that are set before us. To just keep trying as Edison and Churchill gave good public examples of this. Is actually an accomplishment. In the patience of keep trying we may grow in depth. I had a third grade teacher that said to me CAN’T MEANS WON’t. And even though I had immaturity and learning disabilities I would repeat this and keep trying. To not give up and let someone else do it for us especially when we are sorely tempted to ; from exhaustion or hopelessness creeping in. We may not have accomplished the goal we set out to accomplish, but, maybe we achieved the goal and absorbed the knowledge that God wanted us to acquire.
I just want to say thank you Elmer for all your words of wisdom . I like to start my day out with reading what you have to say. It truley helps me to get threw the tough times or the good times .I just look for your words of wisdom daily and try to apply them to my life.
Thank you
I’m at a loss for words i truely felt that was a message from God to me.You are so blessed Thank-You Jesus! I ask you to specifically to pray for me I really don’t know exactly what i need but i know your prayers would be helpful.I love your knowledge and insight and pray God continues to Bless you and Use you,in Jesus name amen.
You certainly have stated some true facts about self-doubt. But you are wrong about Moses. He didn’t stand up and speak to Pharaoh, Aaron did. God made Aaron to be Moses’ mouthpiece. Exodus 4 (specifically vs 14).
I must Say I really enjoy reading your daily comments. They are uplifting on a gloomy day and they help me to realize that , not all days are dull and gloomy and that “This To Shall Pass”. Bless you and continue to do what you are doing to help others. have a Blessed day. 🙂
I feel this is very true. I have had self doubt and some things have happened recently that have been obviously sent to be distractions by the devil. I have to remind myself that my goal of becoming a physician assistant is not actually my goal it is God’s will. This is simply my calling and I am doing what I have been destined to accomplish. Keeping this in mind, every time there is a barrier has helped me tremendously. I will succeed and I will have what I need all along the way. Currently my student loans are in question. I know that they will work themselves out so I don’t need to be distracted by worrying about them at all. All I need to do is study hard and get my A’s and things will all fall into place. They have every time so far. If God did not intend for me to accomplish this calling then he has a funny way of showing it! Every time I have been put back on track. Some times it seems like he taps me on the shoulder, other times I feel like he is patting my back.
Thanks a lot! I was sitting here all morning think about how bad I must be failing. I came out of an abusive relationship about two years ago. I was always made to believe I was a failuar. I can see through your artical how I still believed that. Jesus, set me free from this unbelieving spirit I pray…Amen!
I am going to show this to my 23 yr old daughter that came through this 22 year marrage with me. She has the same thing going on in her life. Pray for us please.
Thank you so much for the encouraging words. The enemy has attacked me for years when it comes to self-doubt. I take an entrance test for nursing school tomorrow, and for years now I have been terrified of “standardized” testing, so to speak – but I’m trusting in God to walk me through each question and answer. I really needed to read your article on self-doubt, so thank you so much for sharing. May God bless you a hundred times over for always looking out for everyone else.
I’ve been by to visit you often and have enjoyed reading through your writings. I have linked to you on my prayer blog.
By His Stripes Prayer Blog
I made a choice to remary after the death of my second wife. I had prayed about this desision for weeks. When I ask this lady to marry me she said “Yes” and she started to make plans for our wedding. I had a feeling at that time that I was an afterthought. i have tried not to make the mistakes that I made in my other marragies. I pray for quidence every day and many times during the day trying to find a way to satisfy my new mate. I thought that it was GODs’ will that this union became a reality. Tthe truth as is see and feel it , is that I am just a means to an end. There is very little team work, or effort on her part to make this union work. After her interest in her family and friends there is little time for me and the stiuations I face. I am now more alone and less complete than I have ever been, with out the love of jesus I would be totaly lost. I ask my father for some one that would love me and be a pardner with me in life. No, I am far from being perfect, I keep praying and trying to do what is ask of me. I will admit that in the past I was one of Satens greastest sucesses. I know that it is not my portion to change a person, but to try to set an example for a way to live our life in Christ. I am failing, and I am so frightend that not only will I make a huge mistake, and cause her great hurt, but I will lose my way and salvation
I ask Jesus for fogivenes and ask him to be in my life totaly. I have
and will continue to serve them as best as I can.
I am truly frightened and want out of thid relation ship even if it cost me all of my finacial means. There have been severl live threating illnes for me in the last three years, I face these with my faith in God, Jesus , and the Holy Spirt. This situation could be the answer to my prayes, I just am not able receive the solution or lack the ability to listen to his directions. I am relly confused and frightened. Help me Father!
I was widowed almost 19 yrs. ago, never remarried, did have some long term relationships, not good ones, but I knew that and never blamed myself for doing anything wrong there, but this last relationship of two years, has totally destroyed me, my spirit is so broken, all I do is cry, wondering why I’m not good enough and much more, this man was widowed almost 3 yrs. ago and came to me for support, I have known him 10yrs. now, he repeatedly told me he wanted things to work with us, up to as far as 3-4 weeks ago, he was talking about a future, I finally let my barriers down, trusted and believed, and now he feels he wants to date, but I’m not to change a hair on my head!! He still wants me, but wants others to, I feel so belittled and can’t help wondering why, what’s wrong with me, I finally thought he was the one, and I cannot stop the heartbreak I feel now, grieving someone who has pasted is hard enough, but to grieve someone in your reach I think in a way harder in different ways. I ask You Jesus, if the desires of my heart are to be met, what do you want me to do. I’m really confused and cannot get my mind to even want to accept this, all I want is to have a lifetime companion, I have prayed for this desire of my heart to be met for so long, I wonder if it will ever happen….Help me with my thoughts and give me strength to function at this time….
I know It was God who put this website here for me, I do love it and reading others comments….
I remember the story of The Little Engine That Could as a child and this stuck in my mind and when I want something I remember I THINK I CAN,I THINK I CAN,…………..I Know I Can,I Know I Can, and I Succeed. God Blees ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
totally agree with your comments, i found out that we are our worst enemies, i always think why if i can, why this,
why that, this hold me back must of the times to do things that i dream about it, don’t remember where starter or even if anybody told me thst i wasn’t good enough, but i thanks God every dsy and every morning, when i open my eyes and, i can listen the birds in my backyard, is a feeling of Joy, that you have to feel it to know what i’m talking about.
thanks & God bless you!!!
This is awesome!!! It can be very helpful is achievinng our goals. These words are exactly the fuel we need to keep the fire burning!!! Thanks Again and Thanks to the Lord for your inspiring words……
May God continue to Bless you and your family!!!
I love this Donna it’s so true I will keep this passage in mind with anything I have to do in the new year,and put my heart into it.
Great article. Yes, self doubt is self destroyer. When we rely on ourself we fall. When there were no hope of my recovery from earth man, God stretched His arm and picked me up and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26 NIV) When God is incontol in our life all things work great according to His will. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV) All things whatever it is good or bad, God Almighty will work it to our good. Reading God’s word and seeking Him with all my mighty have made me grow is His knowledge, wisdom, and understanding and most of all closer to Him. Early in my life, I was known as dumb of dumbers… Now I am God’s child… I gain all my knowledge, wisdom, and understanding from seeking Him with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. I do not seek him for reputation, needs, recovery, prideful,… I just seek Him because I am in love with Him to be closer to Him. The more you know Him, the more you fall in love with Him.
What a wonderful article,as I too have been in the slumps of depression and constantly fighting to break free and move forward with my life and overcome this darkness.My mind is the war zone that I need to win the fight to progress forward to find Gods light:}—–Thank you for the encouragement:]
when i was in my peak of my career as an HR in a one of the company my confident is too high, as i encounter personal problems related to my family i question my self, and start doubting my capability that affect my performance..and decided to give up my current job…our mind is a war zone of ourself that need to be controlled, only God can give the peace of mind and can direct us, again in the right path.