Welcome to The Whisper of God prayer wall.
Here you can post a prayer request so others can pray for you or you can read through the requests others have posted on our prayer wall and pray for them.
Our prayer wall is designed to build a truly interactive community where prayers are requested and offered for each other. If you have prayed for someone, please click on the link that says “I prayed for this”. If you post a request, provide your email address, and check off “Email when someone prays for me” you will be notified when someone prays over your request.
To post a prayer request, please click on “Share your prayer request”, fill out the prayer request form, and submit your request. In order to prevent spam and unwanted comments, after you submit your request, we will review and approve your request and it will become visible on our prayer wall.
We apologize for having to institute an anti-spam system where you need to type in the numbers in the picture shown before you press the submit button; however, we were getting many spammers trying to flood our system and this was the only way we could effectively keep our prayer wall running while stopping them.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
I pray for my ex Dan J to forgive me. To understand himself and me, and to see each other thru the Lords eyes not our own, and let love prevail.
And to take responsibility for what he did in our relationship good and the bad and show me.
Received: October 11, 2014
Please continue to pray for me and Jason for God to open up more communication and to speak to Jason's heart bless us to spend our lives together for his glory.
Received: October 11, 2014
For infant Jada. She has had surgery at less than a week old. She was born with an infected bowel and it had to be removed. She will have other surgeries and will always have a feeding tube.
Received: October 10, 2014
Lenard Taylor
God deal with Lenard at the root of his issues, at the root of his problems, God destroy the root of bitterness, root of anger, root of un-forgiveness from Lenard's life.
Received: October 8, 2014
in the name of jesus , I am that I am jesus and the holly spirit should render this prayer requests effective wheater I SENT THIS OR NOT.
Received: October 7, 2014
O most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Sweet Mother I place this cause in your hands. Amen."
Received: October 3, 2014
I have glass in my hand that is by my nerve and artery. I don't have insurance & the out of pocket cost will be in the thousands. I've already had one piece taken out ..my dad & brother prayed and another piece came out. The last piece is very deep and by my nerve. It's a bump on my hand that never heals and opens when I accident,y hit it. I pray that God & Sweet Jesus will push the glass out if my hand so, I won't have to do surgery because I can't afford it, Dear Lord I know You will make this glass come out, Thank you !
Received: September 29, 2014
I first pray that my family , & friends & my boyfriends family & friends , my boyfriend & I ,and our furry friends are all kept safe, and healthy. I'm asking for prayers for me & the success of a new career path. I knw what I want to do & I'm just afraid to step out and try, but I'm going to. I'm praying that God helps me to be confident on this new path and helps me to be successful , but most importantly , I just want to be happy with what I'm doing everyday and I want to be do something I'm passionate about which is party planning, decorating , and so on. I'm still going to do my job I've been doing for 4 years now, but going to do it 3 days a week and try to focus on my party stuff the other two days. I've been wanting to do this for a long time now, but have not actually focused on it. I've already thrown some parties so, I know that I love doing it ..stressful , but a good stressful if that makes sense , and they were very rewarding. I also love seasonal decorating and ect. I need prayers for the confidence to do this 🙂 Thank you !
Received: September 29, 2014
Salvation -
The Lord Blessed me with an beautiful apartment after the man I was living with kicked me out due to his drunkenness. I then got fired from my job after I got the apartment. I have to have my months rent paid in full by Monday 9/29/14 night otherwise I will have to move I dont have anywhere to go and now no job. Please Lord I Pray that you will favor me with a chance to turn this horrible situation ard again for the better.I honestly cant take losing my apartment after just losing my job. Im so hurt and broken. I was also robbed at gun point with the man I was living with he ran off and left me behind with the 2 gunmen, I will be meeting with the detectives soon and the States Atty office, while he will not be there with me Lord bring me out of this with so many Blesssings that my cup will begin to overflow from Your Love. I want to give such a powerful testimony from this. Lord thank You for All that You have done for me and ALL that You may continue to do. I Love You Lord. IJN AMEN
Received: September 29, 2014
I am asking for Prayer. The strongest that is possible for I am at my lowest point possible. Yes, so low that I don’t feel the need to get out of bed. If not for work, I probably would not because as soon as I return home, I return to my bed and cry. I wonder, where is my God, the father that I asked to be there to guide me when I lost my father of the flesh. I listen to the Ministers at Church and on television and they always speak that motivational sermon, the “This is Your Day” sermon. They all seem to say the same thing in a different way. I used to hang on their every word but my life has gotten worse. I don’t hurt anyone, I try and be nice, friendly, and helpful. I felt that because I was blessed with such a great job, that God put me here to help those less fortunate and to share my wealth and that is what I have done, but I continue to be hurt daily by life’s huge disappointments. I have been on a downward spiral for the last 5 years, and now I feel my job is in jeopardy. I hate myself more and more each day. I only hear that things will get better on God’s time, but like I said it’s been so very long since I have been happy. I work hard, I take great care of my children, I love people including strangers, why is God, my father punishing me so? He has put a brick wall in front of my future and everything I plan, touch or even think turns out wrong. I try to think what I could have done to make God so angry with me, but then the thought that it could be worse always pop into my head. I don’t think it is fair that I have to base my happiness on those that are suffering worse, but then again, that is what gives me the courage to keep trying, even though only more sadness comes from it. I just want prayer that the tears will stop, the sadness everyday will end and the smiles and laughter will return, but soon, not years from now, because if that is the case, I know it will take a toll on my health and well-being. Just pray for me please.