this was excellent…..I’ve saw the effects of Anger, bitterness and hate….my son was so angry at his dad about our divorce….IT consumed him…HE is just not to the place he is ready to be free and FORGIVE…thanks…
I totally agree. Well said. Sometimes it is a hard thing to do but we all need to.
Thank you
God Bless
thanks i am getting ready to read a book on forgiving so the anger can be released for a multitude of things that have happened in my life. thanks for the reminder.
My sister has been missing since Feb. 1, 2009 and she apparently vanished without a clue. No one has been questioned regarding her disappearance and we can’t get help from anyone. I don’t know how I feel. I know that God is faithful and that he will reveal where she is at when he’s ready and if she’s still alive. I guess I’m just in limbo and can’t really do anything until we know for sure. Please pray for me and my family. Thank you for The Whisper of God.
Bonnie Miller
We all have sinned and sin, If we want God to forgive us, then we also need to be willing to forgive others. Or other words I should not expect to get something I am not going to give. In order to receive you must first give.
Mary W.says
Very good. Thanks!
Vicki Llorasays
Thank you for this message. I recently ask for my son and daughter n laws forgiveness. I know that I am still very hurt over the situation that has happened. Words are very hurtful and I am praying each day that I can get past the words that were said to me. Please keep me in prayer that I can truly let this all go. Thank you I love The Whisper of God. God Bless
Maria Caseysays
I was recently fired from my job unjustly and the person that actually did wrong is still working there. I am angry and bitter over this. Your words today helped me to realize that I can’t move on until I let it go. I need to forgive the mistake that was made by the other employee. He didn’t do it on purpoise and it isn’t his fault thay let me go. I need to forgive corporate too because they were blinded to the facts somehow. Your message is helping me to see that more clearly. Thank you for the push I needed to get on with my life and not hold on to the past.
Yes, that is a great message, one that so many of us can relate to, ANGer, in my case the Holy Spirit was right there with me to see me through to the emotions. I noticed that afterwards my shoulders didn’t feel so heavy. The confusion in my mind was lifted and God continued to work with me & still is. Also, anger isn’t a bad thing as long as you work it through the cycle…& maintain your integrity.
For some reason He guided me to see other doors & windows opening to His Truth, not the work of the world.
Wesley McPhersonsays
Elmer your message is always very empowering for the mind. I appreciate your service.
This is the whole nut in a shell with my family, everyone wants forgiveness from one another and yet noone is willing to forgive.
Hi. This is the first time I make a comment on ur posts. Today, it was very comforting to hear what u had to say. I am going through this thing called a Spiritual Awakening. At times I feel very optimistic and full of life and inspiration. However, sometimes I wonder if what I am doing is the right thing. All I know is that I ve never felt so happy and at peace in my life. I ve been talking to friends and co workers about what is happening to me, but I feel that they dont understand or kind of frick out with the things I say. I have a friend in particular at work, that two days ago exposed her ideas to me about my so called “Spiritual Awakening” as she put it. She says she doesnt believe me, she sees me as feeling superior to eveyone else, that I feel like I know so much and so many other things that she said that really hurt my feelings. I explained to her that I am not trying to impose anything on anyone. That all I ever wanted was to be a better person and asked GOD everyday to guide me and take me in the right direction. Then circumstances, co-incidences, people started happening to me. I have read books on “Spirituality” that have helped me a lot. I love what is happening to me. For the first time in my life I feel at peace, I feel at ONE with God. I am so happy. I am IN-JOY. But when my friend told me all these things, I wondered if I am talking about it too much. I dont know, maybe I shouldnt talk about it. I am not trying to impose anything on anyone. I am not trying to change the way they think. All I wanted was to share the JOY that Ive been experiencing. What do u think of this situation? I respectfully ask that u read this and give me some guidance. Things are not the same with my friend anymore and somehow it doesnt feel right. Thank you so much for ur time,
Gosh its alway so awesome to hear others experiences and how they are dealing with things …We learn from each other and we can pray for one another…Thank you Elmer for Whispering GOD to us.
I am chemically dependent and work a 12 step program, this fits into it perfectly. So many people turn to alcohal and other things because of anger towards others and themselves, may God bless you
This is so true. How can we live without the forgiveness of God. If he can forgive us as sinful and narrow minded as we are then who are we too not forgive others. I know that it’s easier said than done, but forgiveness brings love and wholeness. Amen.
Response to #13. You are starting a beautiful walk with our Lord, but you are starting also to be pressured by the works of the enemy, who uses anything and anyone to get you discouraged. Read Ephesians 6:12, for we do not wrestle with flesh and blood, but with principalities…. But it says in Joshua 1:9 be strong and of good courage…..Resist the devil and he will flee…Do not be discouraged, may God give you discernment to figure these things out. God bless you and guide you in your walk with Him….
p.s. Don’t see your friend doing/saying what she does/says, look at the enemy using her, just continue to love her…….
Lisa Longsays
Excellent Word. How merciful God has been to me; how can I not then forgive others? When I forgive, I enjoy the Freedom of God’s Love, rather than bondage.
Your daily words are a keen source of refreshment and a reminder of God’s Perfect Love that abides within me continually! Thank you.
Thanks Elmer for being the beacon in my phone: )
These words have been very true and eye-opening for me!God has also been very merciful to me by giving me a second chance at life after my car accident! Listening to these words have truly helped me realize this!! Thank You!
Patti McGeesays
by the grace of God:) thanku Elmer for the gentle reminders each day on living with the whispers:)
Hi! I want to thank Irma (#19) for her response to my prayer. Irma, thank you so much for your kind words and your blessing on my Spiritual Journey. All I have read teaches me that its not my friend the one telling me all these things, that she has not been PRESENT enough, and therefore, I should forgive her. But why is it so hard for me to just forgive her…I thought I was beginning to be “ENLIGHTENED”, but when I find myself not being able to talk to her again, it makes me wonder…Maybe I am not ready for this “ENLIGHTMENT.” I mean, I know that it takes a very enlightened person to be able to just blow it off and forgive and know that the one that said those things isnt really her…but why is it not that easy for me…I dont hold any greviance against her or anything but I feel that if I talk to her again she will begin to say those things she said…so I am kind of trying to avoid her, to avoid conflict…I dont know if this is the right thing to do…I mean, is it possible to forgive her but at the same time try to stay away from her? or does that mean I havent yet forgiven her? I am so confused…I thank you so much for all the things u said. My heart tells me I should continue to Love my friend, just like u said. I guess Ive been thinking with my ego mind these past three days when I should be doing what my heart is telling me…Thanks a bunch for ur input. 🙂 God blesses you my friend!
Diane Wellssays
Yes it is hard to forgive. but when you do a huge burden is lifted! Thank you for your reminders. You are a blessing sent by God!
Terrence S.says
Thank you for the encouraging and blessful words! God Bless You and All that listens to the word of God!
Diane – I’m replying in regards to your post #24. I’ve been where you’ve been as well. In my quest for answers and to find my path again, I’ve read the same books as you did. In the end, those weren’t necessarily the books I needed to read. I just needed to read my bible. All the answers you seek are within. Let them be your guide. We are only His children and cannot give you the answers. They will come from him, within you. I can only tell of my own experiences but cannot lend you advice. Because everyone is different. I needed to learn how to respect other’s opinions. No one ever knows ALL things. We are enthusiastic about what we’ve learned but on a psychology standpoint, others may feel that you are pushing your beliefs onto them, whether that is your intent or not.
I do not believe your friend(s) are in coherts with the devil or anything like that, they just aren’t where you are. They aren’t in the seeking as of yet. What I have learned is to let them come to me with questions and keep myself in check. When they come to you, they are open to listen and learn.
As for why you can’t forgive, its not necessarily that you aren’t ready, but in my opinion, I think you have a lot to learn about yourself. If you cannot forgive, then maybe you should look inward and figure out why you can’t. Maybe you don’t believe yourself? Maybe you expected her to be convinced and your disappointed in her or yourself? Keep asking yourself why, the answer is there. No one has that answer except yourself. While going through the steps, you have to take a hard look at yourself. You may not like what you find, some things will cause anger, sadness, bitteness, and every negative emotion you can think of, but you’ll also find so many good things too. This is the toughest part of the process. You need to learn how to accept yourself completely, darkside, faults and all things. This is the process of awakening. Because once you do this, you will know unconditional love. The type of love God feels for you. This is the type of love you can feel for everyone and you can forgive because guess what? We all have faults. None of us are perfect. Words are going to be said that you may not like, but it is THEIR opinion, so why bother with grudges or holding onto hurt? This is only the tip of the iceberg and I’m not going to keep going on this…as this is something I am very passionate about, I could go on about it… So – I’ll just leave you with that to just think about. You can be angry at me and that is ok. For I am writing with no intent to hurt, but with a pure spirit. Good luck on your journey. As all things, it always comes with a price but it is well worth it.
And I apologize – Previous post was for Diana – not Diane.
Thank you for your comforting words.
Also, there is a website called that takes prayer requests. If anybody needs some heavy-duty prayers, contact them. I have had absolutely amazing answers to prayers from them. They are very good, caring people, and they try real hard to help everybody. They also have a lot of other things that Christians might like. I love them. Here are a couple of other great websites for Christians: and
And just a little bit of advice from me: I have discovered that when I have a problem big or small, if I just try to stay calm and pray sincerely, giving everything to God and let Him handle things, I get amazing results. God wants us to depend on Him. I tend to try to fix everything myself, but when a really big problem comes around, I just totally give it to God, things get fixed or solved so perfectly, it is amazing. Once you see that, it is easier to do it again for any kind of problem. May God bless you all
God is our strength .
How can i find the inner strength to forgive my lovely ex wife from putting me through the pain from infidelity. She got hooked on the internet and got involved with a bondage master. She became a sex slave. We are now divorced, we have lost our beautiful home, through the split, and have a wonderful daughter of 15. I found a diary, a contract, and from it all it told me clearly, the depth of obsession, she had clearly got herself into. After going through court, and exposing it all, it has caused unbelievable pain for me, and deep humiliation for her. How can God, and perhaps more importantly when is there going to be a whisper of God to both of us, to forgive each other, 5 years from now, 10 years?
A broken man, trying to re-build his life……
ty i agree and so needed to hear this today. gby, memory
Deborah Standardsays
Thank you for this site.
patricia scandricksays
thanks for the comments all
Dinese Damsays
October 6, 2010
I want o thank you for the message. I am ealing with a lot of anger issues. I am so angry for all the loss I have had to try and deal with. In the last 4 years I have lost many family members. 5 years ago I lost my grandparents. They died 6 months apart. Then 4 years ago, my father died. A year and half ago, my daughter decided to keep my grandchildren from seeing the whole famly. The oldest grandchild being 8 who I raised for almost 8 years. I miss them so much, and I know they miss us. In March of this year ( 2010 ) I lost my best friend, and 2 weeks later I lost my mother. In July of this year ( 2010 ) I lost my sister whom I was very close to. All of this loss has made me very angry. I don’t know what to do with this anger. It has over taken my life, even having major health issues to deal with now. I am always working on it, just trying to make since of all this loss. I need my grandchilden back into my life at least. HELP
Very inspiring message. I hear, listen and pray for God to help me rid of this pain I have carried in my heart for two years now. It consumes me, and I realized that the very reason I can not move forward, and to be free of this pain, is that I have not forgiven the person that has brought such grief to me and my two boys. I keep praying, and crying out to God, to take this from me, I can’t stand feeling this way. As I listened to the message, and read many post from total strangers, I realize even more, that the reason I still have this pain, IS because I have not forgiven this person, that has brought such grief to me. It is said to forgive, but I can’t seem to know how to do this. I have tried many times to do just that, forgive, why can’t I let go, when this is what I want. Please if someone has an answer, I could really use some advise. I have talked to God about this for two years, and am starting to feel defeated and consumed with this whole thing, and I am very close to hitting rock bottom. Can someone give me advise on how to forgive, and to truly let go. Thanks so much for your time…
Joyce Dykes says
this was excellent…..I’ve saw the effects of Anger, bitterness and hate….my son was so angry at his dad about our divorce….IT consumed him…HE is just not to the place he is ready to be free and FORGIVE…thanks…
Terri says
I totally agree. Well said. Sometimes it is a hard thing to do but we all need to.
Thank you
God Bless
arlana says
thanks i am getting ready to read a book on forgiving so the anger can be released for a multitude of things that have happened in my life. thanks for the reminder.
evelyn delbridge says
that is so true, i watched my mom have alot of anger because my brothers wife murderd him. till the day she died.
Bonnie Miller says
My sister has been missing since Feb. 1, 2009 and she apparently vanished without a clue. No one has been questioned regarding her disappearance and we can’t get help from anyone. I don’t know how I feel. I know that God is faithful and that he will reveal where she is at when he’s ready and if she’s still alive. I guess I’m just in limbo and can’t really do anything until we know for sure. Please pray for me and my family. Thank you for The Whisper of God.
Bonnie Miller
Barbara says
We all have sinned and sin, If we want God to forgive us, then we also need to be willing to forgive others. Or other words I should not expect to get something I am not going to give. In order to receive you must first give.
Mary W. says
Very good. Thanks!
Vicki Llora says
Thank you for this message. I recently ask for my son and daughter n laws forgiveness. I know that I am still very hurt over the situation that has happened. Words are very hurtful and I am praying each day that I can get past the words that were said to me. Please keep me in prayer that I can truly let this all go. Thank you I love The Whisper of God. God Bless
Maria Casey says
I was recently fired from my job unjustly and the person that actually did wrong is still working there. I am angry and bitter over this. Your words today helped me to realize that I can’t move on until I let it go. I need to forgive the mistake that was made by the other employee. He didn’t do it on purpoise and it isn’t his fault thay let me go. I need to forgive corporate too because they were blinded to the facts somehow. Your message is helping me to see that more clearly. Thank you for the push I needed to get on with my life and not hold on to the past.
Loretta says
Yes, that is a great message, one that so many of us can relate to, ANGer, in my case the Holy Spirit was right there with me to see me through to the emotions. I noticed that afterwards my shoulders didn’t feel so heavy. The confusion in my mind was lifted and God continued to work with me & still is. Also, anger isn’t a bad thing as long as you work it through the cycle…& maintain your integrity.
For some reason He guided me to see other doors & windows opening to His Truth, not the work of the world.
Wesley McPherson says
Elmer your message is always very empowering for the mind. I appreciate your service.
Jacklyn Buchanan says
This is the whole nut in a shell with my family, everyone wants forgiveness from one another and yet noone is willing to forgive.
Diana says
Hi. This is the first time I make a comment on ur posts. Today, it was very comforting to hear what u had to say. I am going through this thing called a Spiritual Awakening. At times I feel very optimistic and full of life and inspiration. However, sometimes I wonder if what I am doing is the right thing. All I know is that I ve never felt so happy and at peace in my life. I ve been talking to friends and co workers about what is happening to me, but I feel that they dont understand or kind of frick out with the things I say. I have a friend in particular at work, that two days ago exposed her ideas to me about my so called “Spiritual Awakening” as she put it. She says she doesnt believe me, she sees me as feeling superior to eveyone else, that I feel like I know so much and so many other things that she said that really hurt my feelings. I explained to her that I am not trying to impose anything on anyone. That all I ever wanted was to be a better person and asked GOD everyday to guide me and take me in the right direction. Then circumstances, co-incidences, people started happening to me. I have read books on “Spirituality” that have helped me a lot. I love what is happening to me. For the first time in my life I feel at peace, I feel at ONE with God. I am so happy. I am IN-JOY. But when my friend told me all these things, I wondered if I am talking about it too much. I dont know, maybe I shouldnt talk about it. I am not trying to impose anything on anyone. I am not trying to change the way they think. All I wanted was to share the JOY that Ive been experiencing. What do u think of this situation? I respectfully ask that u read this and give me some guidance. Things are not the same with my friend anymore and somehow it doesnt feel right. Thank you so much for ur time,
debbieg says
Gosh its alway so awesome to hear others experiences and how they are dealing with things …We learn from each other and we can pray for one another…Thank you Elmer for Whispering GOD to us.
Jeanne Falkenstein says
Thank you for the message. I have just started listening to them and they are a tremendous help as I try to figure some things out.
God Bless.
monica says
I am chemically dependent and work a 12 step program, this fits into it perfectly. So many people turn to alcohal and other things because of anger towards others and themselves, may God bless you
wESLEY says
Diane says
This is so true. How can we live without the forgiveness of God. If he can forgive us as sinful and narrow minded as we are then who are we too not forgive others. I know that it’s easier said than done, but forgiveness brings love and wholeness. Amen.
Irma says
Response to #13. You are starting a beautiful walk with our Lord, but you are starting also to be pressured by the works of the enemy, who uses anything and anyone to get you discouraged. Read Ephesians 6:12, for we do not wrestle with flesh and blood, but with principalities…. But it says in Joshua 1:9 be strong and of good courage…..Resist the devil and he will flee…Do not be discouraged, may God give you discernment to figure these things out. God bless you and guide you in your walk with Him….
p.s. Don’t see your friend doing/saying what she does/says, look at the enemy using her, just continue to love her…….
Lisa Long says
Excellent Word. How merciful God has been to me; how can I not then forgive others? When I forgive, I enjoy the Freedom of God’s Love, rather than bondage.
Your daily words are a keen source of refreshment and a reminder of God’s Perfect Love that abides within me continually! Thank you.
Susan says
Thanks Elmer for being the beacon in my phone: )
Mitzi says
These words have been very true and eye-opening for me!God has also been very merciful to me by giving me a second chance at life after my car accident! Listening to these words have truly helped me realize this!! Thank You!
Patti McGee says
by the grace of God:) thanku Elmer for the gentle reminders each day on living with the whispers:)
Diana says
Hi! I want to thank Irma (#19) for her response to my prayer. Irma, thank you so much for your kind words and your blessing on my Spiritual Journey. All I have read teaches me that its not my friend the one telling me all these things, that she has not been PRESENT enough, and therefore, I should forgive her. But why is it so hard for me to just forgive her…I thought I was beginning to be “ENLIGHTENED”, but when I find myself not being able to talk to her again, it makes me wonder…Maybe I am not ready for this “ENLIGHTMENT.” I mean, I know that it takes a very enlightened person to be able to just blow it off and forgive and know that the one that said those things isnt really her…but why is it not that easy for me…I dont hold any greviance against her or anything but I feel that if I talk to her again she will begin to say those things she said…so I am kind of trying to avoid her, to avoid conflict…I dont know if this is the right thing to do…I mean, is it possible to forgive her but at the same time try to stay away from her? or does that mean I havent yet forgiven her? I am so confused…I thank you so much for all the things u said. My heart tells me I should continue to Love my friend, just like u said. I guess Ive been thinking with my ego mind these past three days when I should be doing what my heart is telling me…Thanks a bunch for ur input. 🙂 God blesses you my friend!
Diane Wells says
Yes it is hard to forgive. but when you do a huge burden is lifted! Thank you for your reminders. You are a blessing sent by God!
Terrence S. says
Thank you for the encouraging and blessful words! God Bless You and All that listens to the word of God!
Lori says
Diane – I’m replying in regards to your post #24. I’ve been where you’ve been as well. In my quest for answers and to find my path again, I’ve read the same books as you did. In the end, those weren’t necessarily the books I needed to read. I just needed to read my bible. All the answers you seek are within. Let them be your guide. We are only His children and cannot give you the answers. They will come from him, within you. I can only tell of my own experiences but cannot lend you advice. Because everyone is different. I needed to learn how to respect other’s opinions. No one ever knows ALL things. We are enthusiastic about what we’ve learned but on a psychology standpoint, others may feel that you are pushing your beliefs onto them, whether that is your intent or not.
I do not believe your friend(s) are in coherts with the devil or anything like that, they just aren’t where you are. They aren’t in the seeking as of yet. What I have learned is to let them come to me with questions and keep myself in check. When they come to you, they are open to listen and learn.
As for why you can’t forgive, its not necessarily that you aren’t ready, but in my opinion, I think you have a lot to learn about yourself. If you cannot forgive, then maybe you should look inward and figure out why you can’t. Maybe you don’t believe yourself? Maybe you expected her to be convinced and your disappointed in her or yourself? Keep asking yourself why, the answer is there. No one has that answer except yourself. While going through the steps, you have to take a hard look at yourself. You may not like what you find, some things will cause anger, sadness, bitteness, and every negative emotion you can think of, but you’ll also find so many good things too. This is the toughest part of the process. You need to learn how to accept yourself completely, darkside, faults and all things. This is the process of awakening. Because once you do this, you will know unconditional love. The type of love God feels for you. This is the type of love you can feel for everyone and you can forgive because guess what? We all have faults. None of us are perfect. Words are going to be said that you may not like, but it is THEIR opinion, so why bother with grudges or holding onto hurt? This is only the tip of the iceberg and I’m not going to keep going on this…as this is something I am very passionate about, I could go on about it… So – I’ll just leave you with that to just think about. You can be angry at me and that is ok. For I am writing with no intent to hurt, but with a pure spirit. Good luck on your journey. As all things, it always comes with a price but it is well worth it.
Lori says
And I apologize – Previous post was for Diana – not Diane.
Pat says
Thank you for your comforting words.
Also, there is a website called that takes prayer requests. If anybody needs some heavy-duty prayers, contact them. I have had absolutely amazing answers to prayers from them. They are very good, caring people, and they try real hard to help everybody. They also have a lot of other things that Christians might like. I love them. Here are a couple of other great websites for Christians: and
And just a little bit of advice from me: I have discovered that when I have a problem big or small, if I just try to stay calm and pray sincerely, giving everything to God and let Him handle things, I get amazing results. God wants us to depend on Him. I tend to try to fix everything myself, but when a really big problem comes around, I just totally give it to God, things get fixed or solved so perfectly, it is amazing. Once you see that, it is easier to do it again for any kind of problem. May God bless you all
Linda says
God is our strength .
Heartbroken says
How can i find the inner strength to forgive my lovely ex wife from putting me through the pain from infidelity. She got hooked on the internet and got involved with a bondage master. She became a sex slave. We are now divorced, we have lost our beautiful home, through the split, and have a wonderful daughter of 15. I found a diary, a contract, and from it all it told me clearly, the depth of obsession, she had clearly got herself into. After going through court, and exposing it all, it has caused unbelievable pain for me, and deep humiliation for her. How can God, and perhaps more importantly when is there going to be a whisper of God to both of us, to forgive each other, 5 years from now, 10 years?
A broken man, trying to re-build his life……
ty i agree and so needed to hear this today. gby, memory
Deborah Standard says
Thank you for this site.
patricia scandrick says
thanks for the comments all
Dinese Dam says
October 6, 2010
I want o thank you for the message. I am ealing with a lot of anger issues. I am so angry for all the loss I have had to try and deal with. In the last 4 years I have lost many family members. 5 years ago I lost my grandparents. They died 6 months apart. Then 4 years ago, my father died. A year and half ago, my daughter decided to keep my grandchildren from seeing the whole famly. The oldest grandchild being 8 who I raised for almost 8 years. I miss them so much, and I know they miss us. In March of this year ( 2010 ) I lost my best friend, and 2 weeks later I lost my mother. In July of this year ( 2010 ) I lost my sister whom I was very close to. All of this loss has made me very angry. I don’t know what to do with this anger. It has over taken my life, even having major health issues to deal with now. I am always working on it, just trying to make since of all this loss. I need my grandchilden back into my life at least. HELP
Susan says
Very inspiring message. I hear, listen and pray for God to help me rid of this pain I have carried in my heart for two years now. It consumes me, and I realized that the very reason I can not move forward, and to be free of this pain, is that I have not forgiven the person that has brought such grief to me and my two boys. I keep praying, and crying out to God, to take this from me, I can’t stand feeling this way. As I listened to the message, and read many post from total strangers, I realize even more, that the reason I still have this pain, IS because I have not forgiven this person, that has brought such grief to me. It is said to forgive, but I can’t seem to know how to do this. I have tried many times to do just that, forgive, why can’t I let go, when this is what I want. Please if someone has an answer, I could really use some advise. I have talked to God about this for two years, and am starting to feel defeated and consumed with this whole thing, and I am very close to hitting rock bottom. Can someone give me advise on how to forgive, and to truly let go. Thanks so much for your time…