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Daddy? Hold My Hand
I was on a plane yesterday flying to Florida. Behind me sat a father with his two small children. The boy seemed excited to be on the plane and kept looking out the window. He would tell everyone to “look how high we are” and “now were turning.” Being a former … [Read More...]
Featured Articles
The Best Odds in the House
There is a casino not too far from where I live. It’s not just a casino - it’s a huge entertainment complex - and occasionally, we will go there to see a concert, a show, or just for dinner. One night, about a month ago, we met a few friends there for dinner. … [Read More...]
The Little Stone
I was walking on the beach the other day and came across a pile of stones. There were jagged, broken stones that looked like they had been beat up and cracked with a hammer. There were some that were sort of round and others that were kind of flat and others that … [Read More...]
Letting Go of Anger
Life is so short. When you think about how much time we really have in our lives, it can be quite humbling to realize how quickly it can go by. … [Read More...]
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I Can’t