I love the Whisper of God. Regarding holding on to anger-forgiving, I absolutely agree and understand. Believe it is possible to forgive almost anything. Almost. But, is it really possible to forgive f. eks someone who misused your daughter? Does God really expect that? Is it right to forgive a sin like that, which is comparable with murder in my eyes? Or worse. It s crushing a soul into pieces. Guess your answer is yes. But………………..
Please join me in prayers for all such victims. Thank you.
Sharon Reedsays
I do believe that it is possible to forgive people who do things like that (speaking as a person who was hurt similarily) But I believe that we do not have that power on our own. I believe that the Holy Spirit has to take control of this. I think we have to release it to God. And in my case it took some time. I believe that if we don’t forgive others, that we only hurt ourselves, not the other person. And as far as I am concerned I don’t want to give people who have hurt me negative power in my life.
i wish i could forgive but i an having a really hard time b/c the offense continues on….
Mary Englemansays
Amen Sharon!! @ Elisabeth, I heard a message just yesterday that I want to share that may be of encouragement to you with forgiving someone who has hurt you (directly/indirectly). The text was Romans 12 vs 14, 17, 19, 21.
Three Action Steps to take:
1) Decide to forgive~Matt 6:14-15
2) Pray for that person~Matt 5:44
3) Lay it down and give it to the Lord Romans 12:19
Of course, this will take the help of the Holy Spirit, but you hold the key to let
Him help you. God will heal your heart. Ask Him to help you suffer well and your wound will turn to a scar. Hope this will be of some help…God Bless!
I watch the Video of ” Whisper Of God ” and I thought it was a very beautiful thing 2 watch specially when people are having Family Problems.
I watch the Video of Whisper of God about forgiveness. All my life sice I was a child I was pick on all my school life, I has this angry in me grow up for a child to a women. I lister to the Word of God, and I just start read the Book of Chirst, what he done for me, I want to close to Chirst, but some was hold me black it was Angry. people hurt me in the pass and my own sister hurt me over and over, I was so Angry at her, and I can not find a way to forgive her. but now I learn by watch this Video Wisper Of God and the Forgiveness Video open my eyes. now I am pray to the Father I want to be save in his eyes and I ask him to forgive me and I forgive those people who hurt me and I forgive my big sister, I stll love her, I and I will pray for her as I pray to God to for me of my ulgy ways. Lillie Thank you for this web site.
How can u forgive someone who killes ur best best friend and almost killed me and had ruined my life. Just because he CHOSE to drink and drive and take drugs, and has never ever had any remorse!! If it had been just an accident it would have been easy to forgive..
How can I forgive someone after 29 years of being(married/divorce) with him an had an affiar with a women who was a friend to both. But mainly him. I have asked god to help me but he living better than me and that is what hurts so bad. He was born with spina bidifa and I took care of him. I wish and pray for help everyday…
We can forgive, but if someone is abusing you or your children it is fine to stay away from them. God wants us to live in peace and joy, also. Lisa, we can forgive him also, with knowing this person has not gotten to the point in his life to realize the destruction and pain. Just like Jesus said on the cross forgive them father, for they do not know what they are doing. Pray that this person is touched by God and turns their life around. The drinking and doing drugs may be due to terrible emotional pain and scaring. Bless you. To see death and feel the pain is such a burden, but keep working on praying to God.
I love the Whisper of God. Regarding holding on to anger-forgiving, I absolutely agree and understand. Believe it is possible to forgive almost anything. Almost. But, is it really possible to forgive f. eks someone who misused your daughter? Does God really expect that? Is it right to forgive a sin like that, which is comparable with murder in my eyes? Or worse. It s crushing a soul into pieces. Guess your answer is yes. But………………..
Please join me in prayers for all such victims. Thank you.
I do believe that it is possible to forgive people who do things like that (speaking as a person who was hurt similarily) But I believe that we do not have that power on our own. I believe that the Holy Spirit has to take control of this. I think we have to release it to God. And in my case it took some time. I believe that if we don’t forgive others, that we only hurt ourselves, not the other person. And as far as I am concerned I don’t want to give people who have hurt me negative power in my life.
i wish i could forgive but i an having a really hard time b/c the offense continues on….
Amen Sharon!! @ Elisabeth, I heard a message just yesterday that I want to share that may be of encouragement to you with forgiving someone who has hurt you (directly/indirectly). The text was Romans 12 vs 14, 17, 19, 21.
Three Action Steps to take:
1) Decide to forgive~Matt 6:14-15
2) Pray for that person~Matt 5:44
3) Lay it down and give it to the Lord Romans 12:19
Of course, this will take the help of the Holy Spirit, but you hold the key to let
Him help you. God will heal your heart. Ask Him to help you suffer well and your wound will turn to a scar. Hope this will be of some help…God Bless!
I watch the Video of ” Whisper Of God ” and I thought it was a very beautiful thing 2 watch specially when people are having Family Problems.
I watch the Video of Whisper of God about forgiveness. All my life sice I was a child I was pick on all my school life, I has this angry in me grow up for a child to a women. I lister to the Word of God, and I just start read the Book of Chirst, what he done for me, I want to close to Chirst, but some was hold me black it was Angry. people hurt me in the pass and my own sister hurt me over and over, I was so Angry at her, and I can not find a way to forgive her. but now I learn by watch this Video Wisper Of God and the Forgiveness Video open my eyes. now I am pray to the Father I want to be save in his eyes and I ask him to forgive me and I forgive those people who hurt me and I forgive my big sister, I stll love her, I and I will pray for her as I pray to God to for me of my ulgy ways. Lillie Thank you for this web site.
What a great web side thanks
How can u forgive someone who killes ur best best friend and almost killed me and had ruined my life. Just because he CHOSE to drink and drive and take drugs, and has never ever had any remorse!! If it had been just an accident it would have been easy to forgive..
How can I forgive someone after 29 years of being(married/divorce) with him an had an affiar with a women who was a friend to both. But mainly him. I have asked god to help me but he living better than me and that is what hurts so bad. He was born with spina bidifa and I took care of him. I wish and pray for help everyday…
We can forgive, but if someone is abusing you or your children it is fine to stay away from them. God wants us to live in peace and joy, also. Lisa, we can forgive him also, with knowing this person has not gotten to the point in his life to realize the destruction and pain. Just like Jesus said on the cross forgive them father, for they do not know what they are doing. Pray that this person is touched by God and turns their life around. The drinking and doing drugs may be due to terrible emotional pain and scaring. Bless you. To see death and feel the pain is such a burden, but keep working on praying to God.