Welcome to The Whisper of God community.
The Whisper of God is a spiritual and motivational web site that, through the sharing of inspirational stories and our readers’ comments, encourages people to develop a personal relationship with God and learn how such a personal relationship can help their own lives become more fulfilling.
We are all in different places in our journey to finding out who we are and why we are here. Your life and your relationship with God is a never ending journey: a journey that is as unique to you as you are to every other person.
Some people have found their calling and look to God for continued guidance as they walk their path while yet others have had a hard time even finding God in their life. No matter where you are in your journey, whether you currently walk in God’s light or find yourself in a dark place reaching out for His light, we encourage you to join us and share your story and learn from the others who are, or have been, where you are now.