Welcome to The Whisper of God prayer wall.
Here you can post a prayer request so others can pray for you or you can read through the requests others have posted on our prayer wall and pray for them.
Our prayer wall is designed to build a truly interactive community where prayers are requested and offered for each other. If you have prayed for someone, please click on the link that says “I prayed for this”. If you post a request, provide your email address, and check off “Email when someone prays for me” you will be notified when someone prays over your request.
To post a prayer request, please click on “Share your prayer request”, fill out the prayer request form, and submit your request. In order to prevent spam and unwanted comments, after you submit your request, we will review and approve your request and it will become visible on our prayer wall.
We apologize for having to institute an anti-spam system where you need to type in the numbers in the picture shown before you press the submit button; however, we were getting many spammers trying to flood our system and this was the only way we could effectively keep our prayer wall running while stopping them.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Lord, I thank You for making special mercy available to help me in times of struggle and hardship. I admit that I often try to handle all my challenges on my own, but I know it is impossible for me to overcome my obstacles without the help of Your mercy. So today I am opening my heart and asking You to extend a special measure of mercy to assist me through this challenging time in my life. I thank You in advance for pouring this mercy upon me, and by faith, I receive it right now. God's mercy is working in me! God promises mercy to me, and I receive it by faith. That mercy empowers me to overcome my negative emotions, my struggles, and all the obstacles the devil has tried to set before me. Because God's mercy is working in me, I am well able to rise above the struggles I face and to overcome them victoriously!
I declare this by faith in Jesus' name!
Received: October 5, 2015
I am in the process of getting a divorce. I never thought I would be going through one. I told myself the first marriage will be my only marriage. My husband and a family member of his are mentally abusive and I am strong enough to get out of an unhealthy and life-deteriorating relationship.
Despite all the pain, mental abuse, and disrespect they made me experience this past year, I forgive them and pray that they can change their ways so they do not make other people they meet experience what I had to experience.
I pray that the divorce goes as smoothly as possible and I become free from my husband spiritually and legally.
I pray for strength, patience, and wisdom during this difficult and sometimes scary chapter of my life.
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
Received: October 5, 2015
Please pray for Sandra who just learned last week she has stage 4 breast cancer. She will be getting a double mastectomy soon.
Received: October 4, 2015
Donna Jones
I am seeking prayer for myself and my husband. I would like for God to stir up our spirit man and draw us closer to HIM. I'm asking God to bless my household with an abundance of finances. I pay my tithes and truly believe every word that God has spoken. I'm asking for God to use me as HIS mouth piece while I am working at the jail where I am employed. I want more of God and less of me in Jesus Name. I'm asking God to change the heart's of my step children towards their father.They disrespect him and it hurts me to see how badly he's hurting because of the way that they treat him. He is a wonderful father and only wants them to love him the way that he loves them. I pray for their salvation most of all.
Received: October 3, 2015
Please pray for healing to my daughter Aimee's balance and weak speech issue. Please pray for a healthy baby for my son and daughter in law. Please pray that I do the will of God in all of my relationships.
Received: October 2, 2015
My name is Jason. For some time now I have been asking for prayer that my unemployment would go through. PRAISE GOD IT HAS!!!! I thank you all for your many prayers you have lifted up to the Lord,and I praise God for His great grace and mercy in answering the prayers. There are many things around my church I said I needed to do, and can now take care of, as well as a few things in my life I need taken care of. PRAISE GOD FOR HE IS SUCH A GREAT GOD. I do ask that you do be in continual prayer for these things that are needed to be taken care of, and for me that God will continue to use me wherever needed. Once again PRAISE GOD!!!! and thank you for praying and may God bless you.
Received: October 1, 2015
Today an officer in Mariposa County was shot. Once in the face, and in the torso. Please pray for the officer, and his family, and all officers and families in Mariposa.
Received: October 1, 2015
Lord Almighty, I pray for all those who are suffering from illness or injury. May you find them with HOPE and grant them your loving touch. I pray for myself today. I am suffering from an ongoing salivary gland issue post transplant patient. four professional physicians have told me it just over-active salivary glands. It is progressed to the degree that it puddles in my mouth and is now taking away my fillings. i could not image who else I could possible see for this matter. My dentist will now work on my teeth unless, I find that actual route to this problem. It is physically making me sick and making it difficult to sleep at night because I am constantly swallowing the saliva. I pray that you lay your HEALING HANDS over me and heal me from the mouth disorder. thank you for all of the blessings I receive from you daily. AMEN.
Received: October 1, 2015
Darlene Matthew
I am requesting prayer for God to heal my eyes from Advanced Glaucoma that has claimed 80% of my vision and a hole that is leaking in my left eye following surgery...Please agree for a miracle for a complete healing...In Jesus Name I pray Amen
Received: September 30, 2015
Divine healing, & deliverance of Cancer for Edith Cunningham, that her surgery and healing will be successful.
Divine healing for Nikki Correarri that the Dr finds a cure for her unknown sickness, may she be delivered from her illness and restored so she can function like a normal 21 yr old Younglady.
Deliverance for Sandra Walker mental disability that she be restored to normal functionality. Keep me family prayful to her healing.