Welcome to The Whisper of God prayer wall.
Here you can post a prayer request so others can pray for you or you can read through the requests others have posted on our prayer wall and pray for them.
Our prayer wall is designed to build a truly interactive community where prayers are requested and offered for each other. If you have prayed for someone, please click on the link that says “I prayed for this”. If you post a request, provide your email address, and check off “Email when someone prays for me” you will be notified when someone prays over your request.
To post a prayer request, please click on “Share your prayer request”, fill out the prayer request form, and submit your request. In order to prevent spam and unwanted comments, after you submit your request, we will review and approve your request and it will become visible on our prayer wall.
We apologize for having to institute an anti-spam system where you need to type in the numbers in the picture shown before you press the submit button; however, we were getting many spammers trying to flood our system and this was the only way we could effectively keep our prayer wall running while stopping them.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
From a mother's broken heart, I urge you to pray for Alex in Florida! God is needed here!
Please fill in the gap and pray for my son, Alex who is facing harsh judgement for a mistake he made recently. The prosecutor has a reputation for being very tough and overzealous, trying to convince the community that he is protecting them against criminals. Alex is a Christian who is leaning hard on his faith in this dark storm. As parents, we are in complete anguish in this situation that has caused extreme stress. I can barely form the words to pray. PLEASE lift Alex up to The Lord by name and ask God Almighty to work in a mighty way on his behalf! Pray that the public defender is dedicated to this case and gives it the attention and commitment that it requires to lead to a victory! Pray that God's light shines brightly on all of the good my son has contributed to society. Pray that Ms. B's report/recommendation for Alex has a great deal of weight in the decision making process and that she attests to his hard work and obedience in other areas. He is a Christian young man that made a mistake and is NOT living life as a criminal! Please ask for divine intervention here! Some of these attorney's/judges make it so difficult for young men to get back up on their feet and make positive changes in their lives. A strike against them could mean years in jail when in fact, they can have far more success in the future if they are surrounded by Christian support. Alex has a very strong Christian support system and they have been eager to speak on his behalf, yet their voices are not even considered. Pray that GOD is in the center of the courtroom on Tuesday 3/31! That GOD takes the chaos of the everyday busy courtroom and turns it into a calm, orderly environment where they can negotiate a fair and mutual plan to keep Alex moving forward on a positive path without harsh judgement or punishment! Pray that God Almighty works in a mighty way on Tuesday to soften hearts and turn this mistake into a miracle right in front of their eyes! This is a young man that does not belong in jail with criminals. He is 27yrs old, he goes to church each week, goes to a men's Bible study once a week and works as many hours as possible. He loves God and has laid his led others to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior in their time of great need. He knows the Bible and offers constant Christian support whenever he can. PLEASE pray that Alex is given another opportunity to prove that he can and will go back out in to this world and make a positive impact wherever he goes. Pastors have said that God's light is shining through him as he has impacted so many others with his story and love for Jesus. He has such respect for others and would help anyone in need. I am in complete anguish over this and cannot fathom for a minute that there is ANY chance that they will keep him behind bars. PLEASE, lift up Alex to The Lord right here, right now and ask God to intervene on Alex's behalf! Please fill in the gap for our family in this dark storm - sometimes I can barely find the words to pray and all I can do is cry out to Jesus to HELP! Thank you endlessly for praying for Alex and our family!
Received: March 26, 2015
Please pray that my meeting tomorrow goes great. Pray my heart is totally healed and I am articulate and persuasive. Pray that Denise finds her sense of purpose, gains confidence and loses weight. Pray that Brian is healthy and safe. Thx
Received: March 26, 2015
My 2 year old therapy dog, Betsy, has a horrible skin condition and she cant quit
Scratching her self!l PL
Received: March 24, 2015
I feel so selfish asking for prayers for myself, yet here I am. I am facing some serious health issues and am awaiting a diagnosis. I'm not ready to leave yet. I appreciate your prayers . Angels abound!
Received: March 23, 2015
Please lift up an old step sister from years ago that I reconnected with via Facebook. Today is her birthday, she is 27 years old and a single mother to 2 children both under the age of 3 and has cancer, Leukemia for the 2nd time. She was in remission for 5 years and it returned. Please pray for God's healing over her body and that she may find God in this storm and receive salvation.
In Jesus Name, I claim healing over her! Amen.
Received: March 23, 2015
Lori SimmonsRose
I come standing in agreement with Delores, quoting her here and adding my own after hers.
""God I come to you to touch & stand in agreement with all who post a prayer request in this site. God I ask that you save & redeem each & every person by your grace & love. God I ask that you would show your love & peace in & through each & every person. God I ask that you would bring the peace of God, comfort, humility, joy, hope, peace, & encamp your angels around each person individual & family that crosses this prayer website. God I ask that you work miracle in their lives, do a supernatural work in their lives & minds & move mightily on their behalf. God I ask that you begin to break evey chain in their life, God break every demonic tie or influence that may be attached to them. God we break in the name if Jesus every demonic stronghold that tries to control, run& takeover & possess their minds, spirit, soul, & body. God we come up against everything that's not like God & that dies not line up with your word. God we Decrease & we Declare that in your name everything is broken & canceled out. Everything is subject to the power of Jesus Christ. God we take authority over our lives that you have given us, God we asked you to open every door that you ordained for us to walk into & God we ask you to shut & seal off every door & portal that not like you that we opened to the enemy. God we send I n agreement that nothing is impossible in your name & God we trust & we believe every word that is spoken in the book of life. God we take back every negative word we have spoken out of our lives & we replace them with the positive words of faith hope & belief in you to do the miraculous in our lives. God we asked that you cover our ear gate our eye gate & our soul gate that nothing shall come through unless it is from you God. We seal off eveey portal against the enemy. God we asked that you encamp your angels round about us each & everyday while we sleep, in our day to day activities, & even in our travel. God we asked that you guard & protect us from all hurt & danger. God we call & depend on you to meet every need in our lives emotional physical mental spiritual & financial, because only you can meet those needs Father God. God we stand in the gap for the government & our nation, God we ask you to go into the white house on our behalf & touch the hearts of the president & politicians. God touch the hungry homeless & broken hearted people. God show them you love in everything in their lives allow people to exemplify your love through your son Jesus. God draw them back into your arms. God we thank you for mskeing a way for us each & everyday, we thank you for giving us shelter food to eat clothes on our backs & shelter. God we are so greatful for all that you do for us, & will do for us and we count if a privilege to say thank you. God forgive us for everything we might have said thought or spoken knowing & unknowingly that doesn't line up with your word. God we repent now & ask for your forgiveness. God teach us to be better people to ourselves & to others & teach us how to walk in the light if you & your ways God. Hod lead us & direct us in every plan & decision that we make, let us walk in your will for our lives. God we send this prayer & petition up to you God knowing you hear us & will answer us & move on our behalf. We give you all the Glory Honor & Praise in Jesus name I pray Amen......."" Father You hear, You see even before we ask, even before we need You said in Isaiah 65:24 'I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!' therefore Father I stand on this promise because I know Your promises, Your words can never fail or go void. I am claiming right now that all these requests are met ACCORDING TO YOUR WILL NOT OUR DESIRES for I know often they are not the same and You know best. Thank you Father, in Your Son's Holy name, Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen!!
Received: March 23, 2015
Janine Henschel
I would like everyone to please pray for my best friend and sister in the Jesus, she recently lost her dog of 13 years and is really taking it hard and grieving and she really NEEDS your prayers, I would so appreciate it, dogs can be like a member of the family and when I lost my cat I grieved for a long time, so if anyone knows the pain of losing a pet, please pray for Joyce, I would appreciate it so much, she is the best friend and would give the shirt off her back and will do literally ANYTHING to help me and I want to do this one thing for her in her time of need, thank you all and God bless ! Janine
Received: March 22, 2015
Sandra Deveans
Please pray for me to make my daughter that I love her and my grandsons. There has been miscommunication and now no one is talking. I'd like to see her and my grandsons on a regular basis but cannot as the place she worships has brainwashed her into thinking that she shouldn't contact me because it would only end up on a negative note. I pray this in Jesus' name Amen
Received: March 19, 2015
Please pray for my 2 year daughter to be healed and start eating regular food. Also pray that the Lord would heal her vocal cord so she will start talking more and heal her throat which has been damaged by acid reflux. Pray that she will be able to focus better and her left foot / ankle to be healed. Pray that we will be able to get out of debt. Also that we could have a health son of our own.
Received: March 17, 2015
carolyn wall
please pray for strength and empowerment as I clean home for fellowship friday---pray miracles---encouragement---miracles in 3 unspoken---pray job for son chris and encounter with Jesus and surrender to Him--pray healing for Jeannie---also pray for direction for KIm and 4 unspoken for her for for 2 unspoken this friday--pray strength for Debby and empowerment for she and husband---pray blessing upon Israels elections today--and miracles also--pray blessing upon installation at sonjas house today and march 24th thanks for praying Lord do above and beyond on all requests bring souls to know you also and bring deliverance and provision for persecuted put holy spirit and angels around them and us and our homes amen cj