Welcome to The Whisper of God prayer wall.
Here you can post a prayer request so others can pray for you or you can read through the requests others have posted on our prayer wall and pray for them.
Our prayer wall is designed to build a truly interactive community where prayers are requested and offered for each other. If you have prayed for someone, please click on the link that says “I prayed for this”. If you post a request, provide your email address, and check off “Email when someone prays for me” you will be notified when someone prays over your request.
To post a prayer request, please click on “Share your prayer request”, fill out the prayer request form, and submit your request. In order to prevent spam and unwanted comments, after you submit your request, we will review and approve your request and it will become visible on our prayer wall.
We apologize for having to institute an anti-spam system where you need to type in the numbers in the picture shown before you press the submit button; however, we were getting many spammers trying to flood our system and this was the only way we could effectively keep our prayer wall running while stopping them.
Bill and Wife
Slow Recovery from the Death of Our Only Son and Other(Severe financial misery,health issues,other losses and deaths..) Ongoing Sorrows…
March 1.Lent,Holy Week,March,April,May..2015,2016..??
Dear Community of Prayer,
Thank you for praying!
Recovery is very slow made harder by severe financial misery and other sorrows!
Please include us in your daily prayers(Lent,Holy Week,Easter & through out 2015..?? Long Term?)for God's Peace and Hope in our Broken Hearts and Lives!
Pray also for relief from severe financial misery which is making our recovery so much harder from the loss of our only son and other ongoing sorrows that makes it so much harder to move on!Spend all our time trying to survive and putting out fires!That leave little time for healing and recovery!Please pray for relief in this area that will give us a fighting chance to recover? We are well pass 60+ in age! So we just can not just start over again like some one in their 20's to 40's?
Pass Urgent Prayer Request on:Nuns,Sisters,Friars,Prayer Groups,Parishes,Churches,Communities of Prayer & Others you know of in the Worldwide Community of Prayer?
Meanwhile,We continue to stay at our Post in Faith and Hope as long as we have breath? With the help of your daily prayers!
In His Peace and Love,
Bill and Carol. usa