I once read the following:
“Prayer is when you talk to God; mediation is when you listen to God.”
In part 2 of our series we looked at talking to God or, if we base it upon the above, praying.
Now it’s time for us to talk about how we listen for God.
In one of my previous articles called “Hearing God Speak for Beginners”, I explained starting to hear God speak as follows:
First, you must trust and believe in the fact that God is with us all of the time. Sometimes this is very hard to do. Even if your situation leaves you feeling that you are alone, you are never abandoned. Granted, God may not be coming to you and waving a magic wand to fix you, your life, or your situation; however, God is giving you signs and signals that are all around you. You likely just need to slow down and open your eyes, ears, and mind in a different way to see, hear, and understand them.
So how do you start hearing God?
First you need to start becoming aware of and open to God’s presence.
You can start by quiet meditation and tuning out the noise of the world around you. Once the noise level gets turned down, you can start to reflect on your life, your joys, your sorrows, anything you would like to… While in this state of reflection, you may notice that thoughts come to you that may not seem to be your own. These thoughts may start to give you some insight into your life and may even begin to shed light on issues that have been concerning you. These thoughts are the beginnings of God whispering to you.
At the start, this may take a lot of practice to learn how to do. Many of us in our lives are so used to being active and on the go and surrounded by activity that we have never really learned to relax, be quiet, and reflect on our lives.
The best way I can describe how quiet meditation can help you find God is that it is like living in a house for many years. One night you wake up and the house is very quiet. As you lay there, you begin to hear sounds that you never realized were there before. You never heard those sounds because you were always too busy or there was too much other noise.
Just as the sounds you hear in your house seem to come alive when all is still, the Whisper of God will be heard when you learn to quiet your life and listen for it
Learning to quiet your life and your mind a little is one of the keys to starting to hear God. This is probably the hardest part. Many of us are so busy that we don’t take the time to let God come to us. He doesn’t come to us because He doesn’t want to; it only seems as if He doesn’t come to us because we don’t make room for Him. If we really learn to be quiet and make room for Him, we will find Him with us all the time.
In the next installment of this series, we will look at opening ourselves to seeing God’s signs that are all around us and in the future we will discuss how to meditate and quiet ourselves in order to better let God into our lives.
Estoy muy de acuerdo con este estudio pues ya lo he esperimentado muchas veces en menos de dos meses, meditando y estudiando la palabra en la sala de mi casa con la television muy baja solamente por compania, el senor trajo a mi un tema de la palabra, escudrine en la biblia todo lo referente al tema, era ya las 2:30 am de la madrugada y me senti cansada y con sueno. Cuando apague mi computdora mire al televisor que estaba prendido casi sin volumen y como anteriormente estaba concentrada en mi estudio no estaba oyendo ni siquiera mirando el televisor, me recote en el sofa pues estaba un oco agotada, y subi el volumen al televisor y en ese mismo momento que subi el volumen ahi esta estaba en el televisor la confirmacion del estudio que estaba haciendo el senor me mostro la confirmacion de que el estudio que estaba haciendo no era una casualidad como nada es casualidad cuando estamos en el camino de Dios. El senor se comunica contigo en todo momento que tu lo busques solamente que tenemos que ir mas despacio y estar mas atentos a sus senales.Dios les Bendiga.