In parts 1 – 3 of our series “Building a Relationship with God”, we have taken a look at how to start to talk to God (through prayer) and how to start to listen for God (through mediation). Now let’s take a look at how God gives us signs that He is all around us.
When I tell some people the story about what had happened to me a few months ago they look at me as if I’ve absolutely lost my mind. As a matter of fact, at the time, I thought I might have been a little off my rocker and kept this to myself for a while. But in an article that I previously posted called God Helps Ease Our Concerns, I tell the story of how one night I was really feeling quite all alone. That night I asked God to give me a sign that everything was going to be okay. This is what I wrote in that article:
The other night, while at the end of a vacation, I was upset about what seemed to be a lot of little things. I was sitting at a restaurant on the water and had just watched a beautiful sunset. After the sun had set and the sky had darkened, I was thinking about why I was upset and, as I do sometimes, I asked God to give me a sign to let me know that everything was okay. As I asked that, simultaneously a star appeared in the sky and a light from a boat appeared on the horizon. I was wondering if this was supposed to mean something when a thought popped into my head: I am like a boat at sea navigating with a sextant (a compass) and God is my guiding star.
I started wondering to myself if I was just making this all up in my mind; so, I asked if this was really the sign I was supposed to get. At that moment one of the biggest shooting stars that I have ever seen shot straight across the sky right towards the boat and the star. I knew that I was not alone – God was with me – and that all was going to be alright. So I gave my troubles up to God and enjoyed the rest of my evening.
God gives us signs all the time. Many times we don’t see them because we either don’t look for them or we are not open to them.
I believe that it is okay to ask God for a sign. In fact, in the Bible, there are times when God does tell people to ask for signs:
Again the LORD spoke to Ahaz, “Ask the LORD your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.” Isaiah 7:10
My aunt passed away recently from lung cancer. She really loved angels. While she was ill and going through her treatments, she always prayed. One day after praying, she walked into her kitchen and found a couple of little foil silver and gold angels about the size of your fingernail on the kitchen floor. She had no idea where they came from. She picked them up, kissed each one, and then put them in her cabinet. She knew this was God telling her that He sent His angels to watch over her. This didn’t just happen that one morning – it continued to happen for many days. She could not have been happier to know that she was not alone.
God’s signs come in many different ways.
Ask God for a sign. If you do, just remember to keep your eyes, ears, mind, and heart open to receiving it because you never know how or when God is going to give it to you.
Have you ever asked for and received a sign from God? Tell us about it.
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Elmer Laydon
Hi Elmer!
Thank you for your willingness and obedience to be used of God in the Whisper Community. I have a sign, some may think it’s silly but I believe that it is from God. There have been times that I have gone through many things that I’ve brought on myself. Yet, I know that God is with me because of this sign. He gives me a rainbow. Now, the unusual thing is that this rainbow is indoors. I’ve experienced it in a time where I was going through a divorce, financial crisis, emotional disease and other various times…this present one is on the wall in my kitchen near my coffee maker. It has a distinct beginning and an end but it is there daily and always in the same place. I only have to turn on a light in the place where I sit to read the word and the rainbow is there on the wall. There are other signs that he’s given me, but I do admit I have to slow down enough to see them. One other one pops in my mind right now is that I saw a green shoot growing out of a tar topped roof! Now that lets me know that God can create life whereever and whenever He chooses!
Welcome fellow traveler. You are so blessed. So very happy for you to have heard His whisper. God is truly great and yet such a mystery. Tell me how He helped you find Him. Love LOR
My mother died someyears ago, but I still miss her wisdom and her fragrance. My oldest caughter had a very close relationship with my mom, and she was having a difficult time letting her go. As a small child, my mom and my daughter would go looking for 4-leaf clovers and make it a fun day. My daughter had since then, never found one. well, she asked my mom to let her know if she was with her, and did she know she was a great grandmom? Several days later, while walking in the park, she looked down and found one just sticking up, alone. Then for weeks after, she kept finding them in unusual places. Now she no longer doubts my mom is watching after her and by the way, she is still finding 4-leaf clovers.
Jeanie, Thanks for sharing with us. I hope your daughter finds 4 leaf clovers forever. Elmer
Que lindo es el senor muchas senales de confirmacion he estado recibiendo de el senor ultimamente, y estoy muy emocionada y muy feliz.Dios los Bendiga.Amen
God bless Elmer!
Just this afternoon, I asked God for a sign that my parents are with Him….my mom just died end of June…It seems since I’ve lost her I’m grieving losing my father also….it’s okay and I know through your site that this was “the sign” God sent today.
On your sharing of “the boat”…..I realize that sometimes I’m in a boat….and it is going nowhere…seems that it is going in circles and my eyes fall on the troubled waters….I’m holding on to the boat with white-knuckle grip…..things are not going well…I’m in turmoil….then the Holy Spirit enlightens me….I look up and Jesus is my Captain….I “let go” and keep my eyes on Him….I feel a push forward iin my boat…I look back at the turmoil I’ve left and I see how far I’ve come because my eyes finally rested on the One who directs my journey. Thanks for letting me recall my boat and the sign from God.
God bless you and all those who will read this note.
Pat from Downingtown PA
Wow, thank you so much Mr. Elmer. I never thought of asking God for a sign. There are many times when I feel like I’m not being heard, but I will surely, politely lol, ask God for a sign. Although I know in my heart he is truly with me! 🙂
Hello Elmer , First of all i want to thank you for your words of motivation you inspire me everyday every since i found your Facebook page i been enjoying the word of God you share with all of us.I just want to share with you a month ago i was going through alot of problems family ,financial and stress,i had called my sister in Kansas City and she said drive over here you need to clear your mind so i drove from Omaha Nebraska to Kansa City. I spend some time with my sis spoke to the Pastors wife and she had answer alot of the questions i needed to hear so i cried, laugh it felt really good and i know deep in my heart God place her in my path that day for me.Next day went to church enjoyed it very much i had asked God in my prayers to give me a sign of what to do ,to send me a sign that he was with me because in moments i felt scared and as i was driving back to Omaha Nebraska like 20 minutes in the road suddenly i see a big beautilful rainbow in the sky and i heard God whisper to me “I am always be with you ,life is beautilful if you follow me…Ever since i havent been the same . God bless you all thank you Elmer 🙂
I have this sign in my apartment that reads: “make time for the quiet moments as God whispers and the world
is loud.” One day after read this many times i found your web site on Facebook .The Whispers of God. Elmer your
insight and your journey with God is Awesome, in the true meaning of the word. My lifes journey with God in my
driver set has brought me here tonight, to share with you, that the gift of sharing your experience, strength, and hope with all of us whom have had the pleasure of enjoying your web site has enriched my life .. Thank You.
One night God woke me up around 3:10am and had me write this down:” When God is the motivating driving force behind
all of our actions only good will result.”
Bro. Elmer…
April 23rd we laid my father-in-law to rest from battling cancer. Prior to the funeral I was trying to find a couple of white doves to release, but had no luck. While sitting through the service the morning of the funeral the Pastor spoke how my father-in-law loved owls. Never thought anything else about it after the service, we just came back to Florida. We always set on our back porch, but for some reason we went to the front porch. Has we sat on the front porch we heard a owl singing in daylight and there sat two doves on the fence in front of us. Talking about hearing God…he came through loud and clear! It was great confirmation that PaPa was now with Jesus. To shed a little bit more light on the situation, while we were at the hospital I spent a lot of time in the chapel. I would ask God to reveal to me what is was PaPa was waiting on. I was given Psalm 91:4-5…completely blown away and have never felt so much peace over come us.