I really appreciate your daily thought, I share them all the time. Thanks for being so faithful!!
thank you this thought is a hard one to understand
My comment…..God don’t test us BY death of a loved one…..
I love you sissy,
and yes I am a believer,
altho I am Not a holy roller I guess what they call it,
I do believe god rescues us from a tragic things
such as cancer,or a wreck
But to plan an event such as what happen to us…..Our daughter being in a car accident and with her Best friend,and what her family is going thru
I believe god took them as a rescue from the tragic event…I believe in being a good person,helping others,being honest,being the best mom I can to my kids,and knowing the one mightier then me…GOD,But I will Not believe god tested My faith or the fosters faith or the other families faith thru this wreck,as I heard in one of your recent post,Thanks Sincerely Missy Berg
Wesley McPhersonsays
Thanks for the positive thoughts Elmer.
I’ll never understand why God does not protect us from evil when we have given ourselves to his service. It is a big responsibility and takes alot of strength to be a Christian especially in today’s world. I don’t think it is too much to ask for some protection when we are trying to be a light to others.
on the issue of whether or not God tests our faih in the hard times is very true. God will and does test our faith through tragedies such as a car accident or illness. In doing this he wants to see if you have enough faith to lean on him and put the whole situation in his hands and let him carry you through the crisis. I am a sound believer of this because I am a christian. I hope this helps all who read this post. Sincerely Neota
I am not GOD, my thoughts are not HIS thoughts, what I see as tragic may indeed be a blessing for those who love the LORD. I am glad to share your daily posts that encourages us in the WORD..In the beginning was The WORD and the WORD was with GOD,,and the WORD is GOD..WE are only here to be HIS witnesses and I serve HIM only because I Love HIM..not so I live longer..
I have never thought that bad things happened to hurt me or anyone else. That doesn’t mean I’m not hurt,or saddened greatly by the “thing”. I yelled at god for letting my grandfather die when I was 10; now I’m 60 and I don’t know, I’ve always gone to God for comfort. I’m not supposed to understand everything that happens in this world. My husband recently died from cancer. I miss him terribly, but the pain and anquish he went through almost hurt more than his dying. God has never let me down,but all things come in his time,not mine. He shuts the door,but opens a window.
Thank you Elmer so much for sharing this with us. God is always with us thru the good times AND the bad. And yes, I will lean on him for comfort throughout the bad times, instead of turning away from him.
We must not question the power of God, We must believe in him and have faith in him. I have gone through very bad times, but my faith and love for God is forever strong.
The bad things (and the good) things I have personally gone through i believe was the result of my choices, my free will. It was God’s Grace that got me through them, I learned to trust his promises and i can finally get through tuff times calmly. and i am not afraid. I owe it all to God.
I have a son missing at sea it has been over two years. When this terrible thing happened I turned to God. God is the only thing that has gotten through it. I had been a back slider for years, but this brought me back to the Lord. Without this happening I would not be having a relationship the Lord.
Elmer I totally agree with your point of view on this. Using Job as an example is very clear that bad events are challenges that test our faith. God gave us free will for a reason. He wants his creation to love him with a consciense choice.
My life has been a total nightmare for over 10 years. My husband lost his job where he made exceptionally good money. We had to sell our home to keep from losing it to foreclosure. My father developed leukemia and died suddenly. My husband got pneumonia which damaged his lungs and he ended up with numerous health problems. After 10 years of oxygen daily, he died of cancer 6 weeks ago. We lost our 23 year old son to a drug overdose 5 years ago. I lost my government job 2 years ago and went without any income for over 6 months. Our only other child was in a car wreck 2 years ago that almost killed him and he ended up hooked on pain killers. The next thing I knew, both he and his wife were hooked. He got caught selling drugs and is on probation now. I had to get custody of my granddaughters who are 3 and 5. If it wasn’t for my faith in God, I can honestly say, I wouldn’t be here today. Although I don’t understand why these bad things have happened to me, I do believe God has a plan for everything. He has blessed me more than I could ever have imagined. All this tragedy has brought me closer to Him and I share my testimony to anyone who will listen. Faith in knowing He will take care of me has kept me sane and given me comfort. I miss my loved ones but I know I will see them again. I don’t know when but I do know I will be with them again.
When God made the Garden, everything was perfect, nothing bad happened. Then when man moved out and into the world, the roses grew thorns – the good came with the bad. But with God we can find joy to conquer the sadness, comfort for our pain, and peace that defies understanding in a chaotic, turbulent world. We have to accept it all as a part of this world, not a reward or a punishment, just the gift of Love, if we are blessed enough to recognize it as such, that will get us through this life until we are able to live eternity without pain, suffering, or sadness anymore.
I don’t understand why bad things happen to good people good things can happen to bad people. I gave up trying to understand this, because we are not to understand it. All we can do is live our lives and have faith.
I know for a fact that in the past two years I have been thru so much that so many people would have given up. But I found it only thru the multiple storms that God was softly calling me closer to Him, and I felt very drawn to Him. Now, today, I’m learning little by little as a baby Christian, that He is right there. He’s shown Himself in ways that are miraculous. Given me things I’ve told NO ONE! And thru His people have shown He’s heard even the tiniest little words I think and speak lol. God is there!!! I know, because He’s always showing Himself to me 🙂
In life here and now we experience meaningless tragedies and bad things.
That is when our faith is really tested. It can be very hard.But really, then we need God more than ever. We cannot and shall not see the whole perspective yet. Not all of us have the strength of Job. But Jesus is always there to carry the burden for us and with us. Everything will turn out well in the end. Everything …….God bless to all.
Nancy Sullenbergersays
I recently became baptized as a born again Christian. Even though I always believed my life was not the way I wanted it to be, now I am ready to give my whole heart and soul to God and his work but I must always guard myself against all evil. If God is all around us ( and i believe that he is, than the devil is right there behind him trying to steal every bit of what we have.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Therefore put on the armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
(Ephesians 6: 10,11, 13,14)
Thank you so much for sharing Thoughts for today and your videos. I Love this site it is very uplifting and I have told my friends and family to take a look for them selves, which they have done and also say they love it. Please continue to Share with all of us. YHWH bless you in all you do
thank you so much for this site,I stubled across it on my facebook coments,and listened to a few tapes, I would of enjoyed listing to you the rest of the day everyday,if I only had more time. the thing is I know that Iam saved I ask JESUS in my heart, ask him to forgive me of my sins,I Know when I die Iam going to heaven,why cant i stop sining ? and why do i fear the way that Iam going to DIE ?we all know that fear is of the devil,and the fear that I have for when I get to HEAVEN is that Iam not good enought to be there.we know that we get there by the blood of JESUS.throught faith,then why am I so fearful of these things ?
Diane Coughlinsays
u are awesome. I read u everyday & it helps me so much. Currently the enemy is attacking my family in every way possible, but we know it is only because we are growing closer & closer to the Lord. The Lord will pull us through. My husband & I are strong Christians, pretty new – used to be ‘religious’, but our sons – esp. the youngest (Trevor) – who was becoming one – is now fighting & is being against the Lord. The enemy won’t leave us alone & is all around us more every day, but we keep God’s armour on as best as we know how! We do know The Lord is with us & your articles help in a major way. I pray anyone reading this would pray for us! I pray for the ones reading this that all your prayer needs be met. God bless all of you! Thank-you Elmer
Joan Adamssays
Number 10 – Genie
Beautifully said. It is in time of grief, pain, suffering and losses that God intends for us to learn, be more compassionate and make us stronger to move on in this life that is so brief. He weeps when we weep, He feels pain when we cry out to Him and ask for His mercy. I love Him first in my life. Please keep God first in your life.
Good luck in all that you do and may God always favor you.
I think the real reason is that God always uses circumstances and most times not the pleasant ones to test our resolve so we can bring honor and glory to His Name. Sometimes we buckle under the test and we stray.
However, like the Good Shepard that He is, God always seems to be there for us and help us get back into His fold. That’s why we must never lose sight of the ultimate reason or goal to attain; which is to make it to the kingdom. In addition, He uses those situations to make us think of the price He paid for our redemption.
It cannot be over emphasize that all of us are here on earth for but a short time (three score and ten maybe more…the blessed ones that is) and it is our duty to love, be at peace with all me and most of all do good unto others and honor His name.
Love one another my friends as we can never tell who may be next. Live each day as it is our last and for sure He will open His window and bless all who seek Him first as every other thing will be added (his promise).
Love my dear friends…..Love Dearly.
Mary Englemansays
As a young baby christian, I lost a baby girl. I didnt understand why a loving God would take her from me, especially when I wanted a girl so badly. All I know is that I drew closer to God during the whole ordeal, and He saw fit to carry me through and gave me such a peace about her death, a peace that passes all understanding that the Bible talks about. I truly believe because I drew closer to God, and didn’t allow the devil to waver my faith (just like Job),
I was able to accept her death. Although I don’t understand His ways or thoughts, I have continued to trust Him with all my trials (not always perfectly)
cause I could not imagine not having God to help me through life. His promise
is to never fail or forsake us Joshua 1:5, if we choose to stick with Him through life. God Bless you always~~Mary K.
I really appreciate your daily thought, I share them all the time. Thanks for being so faithful!!
thank you this thought is a hard one to understand
My comment…..God don’t test us BY death of a loved one…..
I love you sissy,
and yes I am a believer,
altho I am Not a holy roller I guess what they call it,
I do believe god rescues us from a tragic things
such as cancer,or a wreck
But to plan an event such as what happen to us…..Our daughter being in a car accident and with her Best friend,and what her family is going thru
I believe god took them as a rescue from the tragic event…I believe in being a good person,helping others,being honest,being the best mom I can to my kids,and knowing the one mightier then me…GOD,But I will Not believe god tested My faith or the fosters faith or the other families faith thru this wreck,as I heard in one of your recent post,Thanks Sincerely Missy Berg
Thanks for the positive thoughts Elmer.
I’ll never understand why God does not protect us from evil when we have given ourselves to his service. It is a big responsibility and takes alot of strength to be a Christian especially in today’s world. I don’t think it is too much to ask for some protection when we are trying to be a light to others.
on the issue of whether or not God tests our faih in the hard times is very true. God will and does test our faith through tragedies such as a car accident or illness. In doing this he wants to see if you have enough faith to lean on him and put the whole situation in his hands and let him carry you through the crisis. I am a sound believer of this because I am a christian. I hope this helps all who read this post. Sincerely Neota
I am not GOD, my thoughts are not HIS thoughts, what I see as tragic may indeed be a blessing for those who love the LORD. I am glad to share your daily posts that encourages us in the WORD..In the beginning was The WORD and the WORD was with GOD,,and the WORD is GOD..WE are only here to be HIS witnesses and I serve HIM only because I Love HIM..not so I live longer..
I have never thought that bad things happened to hurt me or anyone else. That doesn’t mean I’m not hurt,or saddened greatly by the “thing”. I yelled at god for letting my grandfather die when I was 10; now I’m 60 and I don’t know, I’ve always gone to God for comfort. I’m not supposed to understand everything that happens in this world. My husband recently died from cancer. I miss him terribly, but the pain and anquish he went through almost hurt more than his dying. God has never let me down,but all things come in his time,not mine. He shuts the door,but opens a window.
Thank you Elmer so much for sharing this with us. God is always with us thru the good times AND the bad. And yes, I will lean on him for comfort throughout the bad times, instead of turning away from him.
We must not question the power of God, We must believe in him and have faith in him. I have gone through very bad times, but my faith and love for God is forever strong.
The bad things (and the good) things I have personally gone through i believe was the result of my choices, my free will. It was God’s Grace that got me through them, I learned to trust his promises and i can finally get through tuff times calmly. and i am not afraid. I owe it all to God.
I have a son missing at sea it has been over two years. When this terrible thing happened I turned to God. God is the only thing that has gotten through it. I had been a back slider for years, but this brought me back to the Lord. Without this happening I would not be having a relationship the Lord.
Elmer I totally agree with your point of view on this. Using Job as an example is very clear that bad events are challenges that test our faith. God gave us free will for a reason. He wants his creation to love him with a consciense choice.
My life has been a total nightmare for over 10 years. My husband lost his job where he made exceptionally good money. We had to sell our home to keep from losing it to foreclosure. My father developed leukemia and died suddenly. My husband got pneumonia which damaged his lungs and he ended up with numerous health problems. After 10 years of oxygen daily, he died of cancer 6 weeks ago. We lost our 23 year old son to a drug overdose 5 years ago. I lost my government job 2 years ago and went without any income for over 6 months. Our only other child was in a car wreck 2 years ago that almost killed him and he ended up hooked on pain killers. The next thing I knew, both he and his wife were hooked. He got caught selling drugs and is on probation now. I had to get custody of my granddaughters who are 3 and 5. If it wasn’t for my faith in God, I can honestly say, I wouldn’t be here today. Although I don’t understand why these bad things have happened to me, I do believe God has a plan for everything. He has blessed me more than I could ever have imagined. All this tragedy has brought me closer to Him and I share my testimony to anyone who will listen. Faith in knowing He will take care of me has kept me sane and given me comfort. I miss my loved ones but I know I will see them again. I don’t know when but I do know I will be with them again.
When God made the Garden, everything was perfect, nothing bad happened. Then when man moved out and into the world, the roses grew thorns – the good came with the bad. But with God we can find joy to conquer the sadness, comfort for our pain, and peace that defies understanding in a chaotic, turbulent world. We have to accept it all as a part of this world, not a reward or a punishment, just the gift of Love, if we are blessed enough to recognize it as such, that will get us through this life until we are able to live eternity without pain, suffering, or sadness anymore.
I don’t understand why bad things happen to good people good things can happen to bad people. I gave up trying to understand this, because we are not to understand it. All we can do is live our lives and have faith.
I know for a fact that in the past two years I have been thru so much that so many people would have given up. But I found it only thru the multiple storms that God was softly calling me closer to Him, and I felt very drawn to Him. Now, today, I’m learning little by little as a baby Christian, that He is right there. He’s shown Himself in ways that are miraculous. Given me things I’ve told NO ONE! And thru His people have shown He’s heard even the tiniest little words I think and speak lol. God is there!!! I know, because He’s always showing Himself to me 🙂
In life here and now we experience meaningless tragedies and bad things.
That is when our faith is really tested. It can be very hard.But really, then we need God more than ever. We cannot and shall not see the whole perspective yet. Not all of us have the strength of Job. But Jesus is always there to carry the burden for us and with us. Everything will turn out well in the end. Everything …….God bless to all.
I recently became baptized as a born again Christian. Even though I always believed my life was not the way I wanted it to be, now I am ready to give my whole heart and soul to God and his work but I must always guard myself against all evil. If God is all around us ( and i believe that he is, than the devil is right there behind him trying to steal every bit of what we have.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Therefore put on the armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
(Ephesians 6: 10,11, 13,14)
Thank you so much for sharing Thoughts for today and your videos. I Love this site it is very uplifting and I have told my friends and family to take a look for them selves, which they have done and also say they love it. Please continue to Share with all of us. YHWH bless you in all you do
thank you so much for this site,I stubled across it on my facebook coments,and listened to a few tapes, I would of enjoyed listing to you the rest of the day everyday,if I only had more time. the thing is I know that Iam saved I ask JESUS in my heart, ask him to forgive me of my sins,I Know when I die Iam going to heaven,why cant i stop sining ? and why do i fear the way that Iam going to DIE ?we all know that fear is of the devil,and the fear that I have for when I get to HEAVEN is that Iam not good enought to be there.we know that we get there by the blood of JESUS.throught faith,then why am I so fearful of these things ?
u are awesome. I read u everyday & it helps me so much. Currently the enemy is attacking my family in every way possible, but we know it is only because we are growing closer & closer to the Lord. The Lord will pull us through. My husband & I are strong Christians, pretty new – used to be ‘religious’, but our sons – esp. the youngest (Trevor) – who was becoming one – is now fighting & is being against the Lord. The enemy won’t leave us alone & is all around us more every day, but we keep God’s armour on as best as we know how! We do know The Lord is with us & your articles help in a major way. I pray anyone reading this would pray for us! I pray for the ones reading this that all your prayer needs be met. God bless all of you! Thank-you Elmer
Number 10 – Genie
Beautifully said. It is in time of grief, pain, suffering and losses that God intends for us to learn, be more compassionate and make us stronger to move on in this life that is so brief. He weeps when we weep, He feels pain when we cry out to Him and ask for His mercy. I love Him first in my life. Please keep God first in your life.
Good luck in all that you do and may God always favor you.
I think the real reason is that God always uses circumstances and most times not the pleasant ones to test our resolve so we can bring honor and glory to His Name. Sometimes we buckle under the test and we stray.
However, like the Good Shepard that He is, God always seems to be there for us and help us get back into His fold. That’s why we must never lose sight of the ultimate reason or goal to attain; which is to make it to the kingdom. In addition, He uses those situations to make us think of the price He paid for our redemption.
It cannot be over emphasize that all of us are here on earth for but a short time (three score and ten maybe more…the blessed ones that is) and it is our duty to love, be at peace with all me and most of all do good unto others and honor His name.
Love one another my friends as we can never tell who may be next. Live each day as it is our last and for sure He will open His window and bless all who seek Him first as every other thing will be added (his promise).
Love my dear friends…..Love Dearly.
As a young baby christian, I lost a baby girl. I didnt understand why a loving God would take her from me, especially when I wanted a girl so badly. All I know is that I drew closer to God during the whole ordeal, and He saw fit to carry me through and gave me such a peace about her death, a peace that passes all understanding that the Bible talks about. I truly believe because I drew closer to God, and didn’t allow the devil to waver my faith (just like Job),
I was able to accept her death. Although I don’t understand His ways or thoughts, I have continued to trust Him with all my trials (not always perfectly)
cause I could not imagine not having God to help me through life. His promise
is to never fail or forsake us Joshua 1:5, if we choose to stick with Him through life. God Bless you always~~Mary K.