I have been waiting, and trying to listen to GOD in where he wants me to be. It is getting clearer and clearer to me. Thanks for the encouragement with your message today.
Pray that it would become so clear to me, and that he would carry me thru, and be obedient to him.
Thank you Elmer! I repost your posts very often (with credit to you of course) My son teases me with “Oh another Whisper of God Quote,eh” People seem to enjoy them and I receive comments and thumbs up. Your posts are often directed toward something I need to hear at just that moment. Thank you for all you do.
wow this is very true!! jus recently ive had a huge roadblock in my life where God changed a certain direction for me, it was a huge step for me to accept it because it was hard, but then God spoke to me and said “nothing is hard if you have me, remember its not about you and what you want in your life, this is about filling my purpose, you said you trust me, so taking this step should not be hard it should be easy because you have nothing to worry about, you got me, & i love you”….so i took this roadblock as an opprotunity and hey what do you know….God was right!!!
You did a great job, I like it. Are you doing this instead of typing it out, or are you doing this in addition to?
Georgette Soares Baileysays
Your ‘whispers’ are always so encouraging and inspiring! Bless you!
Jennifer Hartsays
Thank u I can’t tell u in words how much ur thoughts and the prayers and being able to pray for others 2 has helped me thank u very much
Well Elmer, This hit home for sure with me. It is too long a story to tell here. Enough to say a recent huge roadblock happened and at the exact moment I had relief and peace about it. Then my mind and the devil got into it and created much trouble. Oh if only I could just accept the roadblocks! And just trust Him! The enemy is such a liar and thief and stole my peace about it for a while, but I am back on track now. God knows best…He sees the Big Picture while I cannot.
Dear Elmer I love reading all your positive thoughts for the day. But I love audio messages. Thank You for all the words of God I need them in my life with out the lord I am nothing. Thank You
I want to thank you for your daily whispers..I do look so forward to them each day..you are truly a God blessing..God bless you..and thanks..
P.s your taping..the path you are on..rely touched my heart and inspired my life..have a blessed day..
I love ready your post, however like to hear it better,
thank you so much
Lydia Owenssays
Elmer, thank you so much for sharing. What a wonderful encouragement for anyone who has ever been on the Asian road…. Thanking God for our Macedonian road…. Love the audio!
That was wonderful as only God word can be.
Thank you.
Be Blessed.
I like to listen to your words but I love to read your post. I save them in a file and I look forward to your emails everyday. Thank you so much!
I have been hit with a LARGE roadblock…& its out of my ability to change it. My heart is broken, and I am trying as I battle hurt to stand firm on God’s promises & give Him Praise & Thanksgiving & Believe/Trust Him – as that is what He commands/requires….At present I am a companion for a dear friend who is elderly & living at home for the last winter – I am fulfilling my word & unable to be where I want or with who I want to be with to see if what I believed was God’s will could have a possibility of working out! Thank you for your post & reminding me of God’s control & timing!!! Please keep me in your prayers – this lady is needing His Grace & Mercy!
This was great. I knew the story, but did not take it under consideration..This would also explain a lot of things that have happened in the past. I am just trying to learn to “be still” “be quiet” I did NOT KNOW that God did not look favorably upon His children talking too much..I have an open style personality..and I am very truthful..BUT recently, I have been trying to “not talk as much(at least verbally) I am still highly opinionated, especially concerning the Word of God.
BUT because I WAS so verbal..I did not have too many “quiet times” by which to “HEAR” from GOD BUT because I did PRAY..I did wind up getting to where I was supposed to be..BY A SERIES of circumstances & situations. SO if the neighbors get too loud at night&you decide to move,or chuch closes down..relax He IS STILL talking today..If you are faithful in prayer&trust in Him He WILL HEAR your prayers..amen. Peace.
Your voice is just as I imagined it would be. Thank you for sharing your new teaching method. I DO enjoy reading your thoughts for each day however on FB. I am also on the path of service and have recently hit a road block. Your words help me to continue practicing patience!
I Loved the message and look forward to seeing the video you are putting with it…Thank-you too Elmer for your daily ‘Thought for the Day’, your messages are always just what I need to hear and I always pass them on to my FB Peeps, and they Love them as well…Keep up the good work and God Bless
Joan Audainsays
I didn’t realize i had a road block or what my road block was. You see i was running for my life. A life on durgs. One day I up and left one city and came to another city.There i found Jesus and He save my life. Many things happened to me.BUT God is in my life. Things are wonderful. He knows where i live becuase He put me there. Still mountains come, BUT God makes crooked places straight and continue to knock down my road blocks. This is why it trust Him. Thank you for this message. Continue to encourage us in the Lord.
life on life’s terms. god bless us all. continue to share, bottom line it helps to create more prayers.
Thank you for sharing this…I am currently at a road block and not sure which direction to go. I know at times I get a bit frustrated, but I know God WILL show me the way I should go if I keep my faith and trust in HIM!!
Thanks, Elmer, for all your inspirations! Many times they are exactly what I need at the time I need it! May God continue to bless you and your ministry!
I feel as if I don’t have the Lord in my life anymore. I’ve been ill and am on a lot of medications. Pray for me that He comes back into my life with the Holy Spirit! I can’t live without Him. I love Him so much. And Jehovah, my victory!
Also, pray for my brother, he just donated a kidney to my cousin who was on dialysis for six or eight months. The surgery was today. God Bless them and it was a success. And my mom.. She needs a lot of prayer.
A Roadblock, yes that is it? Any suggestions on how to overcome it? Love and Peace to all.
Seems when I read a post, it stays with me!
I have been waiting, and trying to listen to GOD in where he wants me to be. It is getting clearer and clearer to me. Thanks for the encouragement with your message today.
Pray that it would become so clear to me, and that he would carry me thru, and be obedient to him.
God still speaks loud and clear – I thank the Lord for Servants of God like yourself Pastor/messager of His Sheep. Thank you Holy Spirit.
You spoke what I am living right now. Thank you!
Thank you Elmer! I repost your posts very often (with credit to you of course) My son teases me with “Oh another Whisper of God Quote,eh” People seem to enjoy them and I receive comments and thumbs up. Your posts are often directed toward something I need to hear at just that moment. Thank you for all you do.
wow this is very true!! jus recently ive had a huge roadblock in my life where God changed a certain direction for me, it was a huge step for me to accept it because it was hard, but then God spoke to me and said “nothing is hard if you have me, remember its not about you and what you want in your life, this is about filling my purpose, you said you trust me, so taking this step should not be hard it should be easy because you have nothing to worry about, you got me, & i love you”….so i took this roadblock as an opprotunity and hey what do you know….God was right!!!
You did a great job, I like it. Are you doing this instead of typing it out, or are you doing this in addition to?
Your ‘whispers’ are always so encouraging and inspiring! Bless you!
Thank u I can’t tell u in words how much ur thoughts and the prayers and being able to pray for others 2 has helped me thank u very much
Well Elmer, This hit home for sure with me. It is too long a story to tell here. Enough to say a recent huge roadblock happened and at the exact moment I had relief and peace about it. Then my mind and the devil got into it and created much trouble. Oh if only I could just accept the roadblocks! And just trust Him! The enemy is such a liar and thief and stole my peace about it for a while, but I am back on track now. God knows best…He sees the Big Picture while I cannot.
Dear Elmer I love reading all your positive thoughts for the day. But I love audio messages. Thank You for all the words of God I need them in my life with out the lord I am nothing. Thank You
I want to thank you for your daily whispers..I do look so forward to them each day..you are truly a God blessing..God bless you..and thanks..
P.s your taping..the path you are on..rely touched my heart and inspired my life..have a blessed day..
I love ready your post, however like to hear it better,
thank you so much
Elmer, thank you so much for sharing. What a wonderful encouragement for anyone who has ever been on the Asian road…. Thanking God for our Macedonian road…. Love the audio!
Be blessed in your ministry, Brother Layton.
Lydia Owens
That was wonderful as only God word can be.
Thank you.
Be Blessed.
I like to listen to your words but I love to read your post. I save them in a file and I look forward to your emails everyday. Thank you so much!
I have been hit with a LARGE roadblock…& its out of my ability to change it. My heart is broken, and I am trying as I battle hurt to stand firm on God’s promises & give Him Praise & Thanksgiving & Believe/Trust Him – as that is what He commands/requires….At present I am a companion for a dear friend who is elderly & living at home for the last winter – I am fulfilling my word & unable to be where I want or with who I want to be with to see if what I believed was God’s will could have a possibility of working out! Thank you for your post & reminding me of God’s control & timing!!! Please keep me in your prayers – this lady is needing His Grace & Mercy!
This was great. I knew the story, but did not take it under consideration..This would also explain a lot of things that have happened in the past. I am just trying to learn to “be still” “be quiet” I did NOT KNOW that God did not look favorably upon His children talking too much..I have an open style personality..and I am very truthful..BUT recently, I have been trying to “not talk as much(at least verbally) I am still highly opinionated, especially concerning the Word of God.
BUT because I WAS so verbal..I did not have too many “quiet times” by which to “HEAR” from GOD BUT because I did PRAY..I did wind up getting to where I was supposed to be..BY A SERIES of circumstances & situations. SO if the neighbors get too loud at night&you decide to move,or chuch closes down..relax He IS STILL talking today..If you are faithful in prayer&trust in Him He WILL HEAR your prayers..amen. Peace.
Your voice is just as I imagined it would be. Thank you for sharing your new teaching method. I DO enjoy reading your thoughts for each day however on FB. I am also on the path of service and have recently hit a road block. Your words help me to continue practicing patience!
I Loved the message and look forward to seeing the video you are putting with it…Thank-you too Elmer for your daily ‘Thought for the Day’, your messages are always just what I need to hear and I always pass them on to my FB Peeps, and they Love them as well…Keep up the good work and God Bless
I didn’t realize i had a road block or what my road block was. You see i was running for my life. A life on durgs. One day I up and left one city and came to another city.There i found Jesus and He save my life. Many things happened to me.BUT God is in my life. Things are wonderful. He knows where i live becuase He put me there. Still mountains come, BUT God makes crooked places straight and continue to knock down my road blocks. This is why it trust Him. Thank you for this message. Continue to encourage us in the Lord.
life on life’s terms. god bless us all. continue to share, bottom line it helps to create more prayers.
Thank you for sharing this…I am currently at a road block and not sure which direction to go. I know at times I get a bit frustrated, but I know God WILL show me the way I should go if I keep my faith and trust in HIM!!
Thanks, Elmer, for all your inspirations! Many times they are exactly what I need at the time I need it! May God continue to bless you and your ministry!
I feel as if I don’t have the Lord in my life anymore. I’ve been ill and am on a lot of medications. Pray for me that He comes back into my life with the Holy Spirit! I can’t live without Him. I love Him so much. And Jehovah, my victory!
Also, pray for my brother, he just donated a kidney to my cousin who was on dialysis for six or eight months. The surgery was today. God Bless them and it was a success. And my mom.. She needs a lot of prayer.
A Roadblock, yes that is it? Any suggestions on how to overcome it? Love and Peace to all.