I used to coach ice hockey and I was fairly good at it. My teams would consistently beat teams that were significantly older and more experienced than us.
I once took over my son’s baseball team mid-season after the coach fell ill. Up to that point, the team was at best a .500 ball club. After I took over, the team began to win nearly every game and we eventually made it to the league championship game only to lose by a run or two. We did this despite my knowing absolutely nothing about baseball.
What caused these teams to be able to win?
I don’t think that it was any superior skill teaching ability that I had. What I do think was that I was able to help my players create a winning vision of themselves which led to them becoming successful.
We practiced, learned, and executed the skills they needed to play the game as best as they could. However, at some point, when a player has developed the skills they need for a particular sport as fully as they can, the coach’s job then is to motivate the athlete into using their skills to the maximum potential possible. So not only did we practice our skills, we started to practice what really made the team win.
As a coach, I taught the players to think positively and to envision winning – I taught them to practice success.
This principle just doesn’t apply to ice hockey, baseball, or sports in general. This principle applies to life.
Success is not just a matter of BEING the best you can be. Success is, more importantly, a state of mind. The state of mind that you need to become successful is one that must be practiced just as much as one might train their bodies. You must envision where it is that you want to be in life, make that your goal, and practice attaining that goal every day. You must train yourself to think successfully.
I have been able to create that winning vision for myself and I have been able to impart to others the knowledge of how to do this themselves. I have been able to teach people to believe in themselves and become more successful than they expected.
And that is a big part of what a coach’s job is in sports – to help you believe in yourself and keep you motivated as you work towards the goals you want to attain.
But we are all not on a sports team with a coach. What if your not able to have a coach around all of the time?
Let God be your coach.
Psalm 37:4 tells us “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
God has a plan for our lives and our faith that God’s plan for us is one full of successes helps us create a winning vision for ourselves.
Success does not come easy; success comes from perseverance and the ability to persevere comes from God.
Who is going to keep you motivated during those long trying hours of practice when things seem to be the hardest?
God will keep you motivated.
Just as a player learns over time to have faith in their coach (a faith which comes from repeated successes after following their coach’s advice), we must recognize that our success will come in small steps and each of those steps is a gift from God. Your faith in God and God’s plan for your life will give you the motivation you need to keep moving forward toward your goals.
Practice being successful in your life: have faith in God, think successful thoughts, and success will start to come to you.
Do you practice success? How has God helped you become successful?
I would like to think that I practice success….and I like the feeling of knowing that God is my motivator!!! But lately due to some hard times that my family and I have fallen on…I begin to have feelings that I have failed or that I am a failure…in these small instances it feels as if my faith is wavering!! I know things happen for a reason and that there are times when God tests our faith in him… but how do I keep my faith from wavering during those small instances when I feel like all is lost?!!! Any advice or help would be appreciated!!
(Two sticks with the cord attached in the middle that Bruce Lee was so good at) However, the one that absolutely caught my attention was listed as the show’s grand finale. I almost went to jail so she gets all upset whenever I mention the Martial Arts. For increased operating temperature, it demands special warmth treatment approach.
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Other than Sarangani Congressman-elect Manny Pacquiao, a multi-talented and a humble family man who has the class and bearing of a celebrity tops the list as well. During one throw, I hit the back of my head hard on the side of the living room wall unit and a picture of his mother fell off the shelf and hit me in my forehead. This is Halo, it is a one man army game this begs the reason why the hell there are lesser allies to begin with.
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