When I was younger, I never really understood what it meant to be a “glass is half-empty” versus a “glass is half-full” type of person. Was one better than the other? Which one were we supposed to be? Through my life, things have happened that have helped me learn the difference between the two.
In February of 2008, I was invited to a black tie affair by a good friend of mine for the hospital where he is the Chief of Staff. I had gone to this event with him many times and always had a good time. I went out and bought a tux, had it tailored, got my shoes, and was all set to go. That night, just before I started to get ready, I told Sharon that I didn’t really feel like going.
Sharon and I talked about it and she told me that if I didn’t want to go that it was okay with her – we could just hang out at the house that night and watch a movie. As I hemmed and hawed about what I should do, I started to have this nagging feeling that I really should go. Something was telling me that you never know who you can meet at one of these things. So we got dressed and went.
While we were there I ran into a person I had done some work for in the past but hadn’t seen in several years. Within two minutes of my going up to him and saying “Hi”, he told me he had a client that needed a new accountant. He asked me for my card, called me the next morning, and hired me. I got a new client that paid me a significant amount of money over the next few months.
Up to this time, with two children in college, it felt like every cent was being drained from me and I was just keeping my head above water financially. I finally felt that I had gotten to a point where I could put a few dollars in my own pocket. Silly me!
Within a month of all of these good things happening, the landlord of the building that my office was in came to me and asked if I would consider moving out of my space as their business was growing and they could use the space themselves. I told them I would be happy to consider it but being an accountant, tax season was under way and I wouldn’t be able to move until late spring/early summer. I guess that wasn’t fast enough for them as a few weeks later they hired a team of lawyers and sued me to find a way to say I breached my lease and force me out.
Over the next two months, every cent that I earned from this new client went right out the window to lawyers I had to hired to defend myself and for my eventual move. The glass was definitely half-empty and draining quickly.
I was devastated.
I started asking God a lot of questions: how could this landlord (who was as close a relative to me as one can be) sue me when I did nothing wrong, how could I be in a position where I have no home for my business, how come every time I seem to get ahead a little bit someone is there to take my money away?
I can’t tell you how much time I spent praying over these questions. I would think about it when I was sitting at my desk, driving my car, taking a shower, lying in bed…
One day, almost shouting in my head out of frustration, I said “How come every time I get an opportunity some obstacle comes along and takes away the good that can come from that opportunity?”
Now I risk some people thinking I am absolutely crazy by saying this but someone answered.
A voice, just as if someone was standing next to me, came back and said, “that is why I put that opportunity in front of you so you could meet and overcome that obstacle.”
At that moment everything changed.
It was God. And God was telling me that He knew what was going to be coming down the road for me and had worked things out so I wouldn’t be harmed by the events that were about to unfold.
In that moment, my glass went from being half-empty and draining quickly to, not just half-full – it was overflowing.
That moment was one of those that changed my whole perspective. I now know there is good to come from every situation no matter how bleak things may seem. I have learned to look for the good that can come from every situation we find ourselves in.
I know this can sometimes be very, very hard because at times our situations may seem very dire but try to learn to look for the good that can come from a situation you are in and focus on that good.
God not only fills our glasses half-way, he fills them to overflowing. If we have faith in this we will find that there is always good to come from everything no matter how dark the day may seem at the time.
MARK 9:23
Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
Anything is possible — if you have faith. Faith comes from receiving the Word of God. God’s Word is faith food; if you eat it, it will produce faith in your life.
Thanks Elmer..
I relate!
God has revealed this to many in my church as well as myself through similar circumstances as of late.
It is important to understand that, ALL things work together for good, to them that love God, to them that are the called according to his purpose.
That the outcome may not always be favorable to our opinion of what good is, but our GOD is good, and no matter what happens, (listen to what I am saying), NO MATTER how it comes out, if you put your trust in GOD, for better for worse, in sickness and in health, he will never leave you, that is the constant you can bank on, and the peace that passes understanding!
Thank you so much for posting this. I always wonder what is coming down the pike. He always comes through.
This has happened time and time again in my life! I had this very conversation just a few minutes ago with my 32 year old son! We can bank on God’s faithfulness. If we earnestly ask Him to show us the way, He earnestly will! Thanks for your testimony!!
Ovr the last 3 years I have asked myself the same thing and found that God turned things around for me. Yes, there are tiems nows I wonder why I am going through things still, but I know God has a plan and I have to stand on His word and have faith.
My alert and oriented mother fell down her basement stairs in Jan 08. Four months later my father’s chronic condition took a dramatic turn for the worse. I spent 7 months caring for my father until he died a horrible death. During that time, many people encouraged me at first but only one man out of all of those many people continued to encourage me and bolster me throughout this time. He was the bright light in my very dark room. He was much more supportive than my spouse.
And the very best part? God had told me 4 years before that this man (whom I didn’t even know..but his name) would be significant in my life and when God told me this, I didn’t tell anyone else cuz I was sure that they would think I was crazy. But, it came true 4 years later.
I thank God every day for this special Christian man in my life.
My alert and oriented mother fell down her basement stairs in Jan 08 and died on a ventilator that same day. Four months later my father’s chronic condition took a dramatic turn for the worse. I spent 7 months caring for my father until he died a horrible death. During that time, many people encouraged me at first but only one man out of all of those many people continued to encourage me and bolster me throughout this time. He was the bright light in my very dark room. He was much more supportive than my spouse.
And the very best part? God had told me 4 years before that this man (whom I didn’t even know..but his name) would be significant in my life and when God told me this, I didn’t tell anyone else cuz I was sure that they would think I was crazy. But, it came true 4 years later.
I thank God every day for this special Christian man in my life.
Faith is simply believing God is with you and working in your life knowing He is Faithful to His Word and it will not return void. God is Love and He cannot not lie, His Promises are new each and every day if we only will seek His Face turn from our evil ways humble ourselves and surrender all to Him and ask for His forgiveness as we forgive those who have sinned (hurt) against us He will will Hear us from Heaven and answer our prayers. Jesus said if we ask for anything in His Name it will be granted to us as long as we believe we have received this request from Him. God does close doors in our lives and sometimes that is a very painful experience but rest assure He never closes one door without opening another He will walk you through and you will receive a great Blessing the problem occurs when we place ourselves in the middle of the door way that is being open to us to receive these Blessings and our own foot being wedged in the doorway prevents the Blessing to come until we remove our foot and the opening is cleared. Trust God and be still acknowledge Him in all your way and He will guide and direct your path. May God Bless you in and through His Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen:)
I think your story is wonderful. God said we will have tribulations but be of good cheer for I have overcome. Things that are ment to hurt us will always
turn out to be good for us. He that called this world into being Cares about you and I. That is Awesome
jeremiah 29;11: for i know the plans i have for you, plans for good and not for evil, plans for a future and a hope.
I was blessed and encouraged by this testimony
I just wanted to say thank you for your encouraging Testimony on banking on having Faith in God.
I recently asked God to help me in my finances and just when I thought I would be unable to make ends meet, he has shown his faithfulness and his on time response. I am always left in awe at his timely fashion and quickness of diligently answering every prayer. I grow more and more in love with him each time he blesses me and shows me he’s listening to my prayers. My Pastor just recently touched the subject on Faith and he said that Faith Trusts & Faith Believes! I have vowed to live each day saying that until I am utterly inaccordance with that. I have found myself to dougt at times and worry, which display a lack in faith. I do not want my master to think or feel that I don’t have Faith in him so I’m stepping out in faith and taking the limits off!!
Thank you for blessing me with such a powerful new way of thinking and enjoying the word of God. I love the way God teaches us new things on something we know a little about.
This testimony has encouraged me, also
i can totally relate to it…
we are right now going through an obstacle in our path..God seemed to have opened one door but that door was suddenly closed by my husband…..now i wait for another door to open..i felt that this was the answer to our prayers..we had been praying for many, many months for a full time job for hubby—-but hubby didnt accept this fulltime job offer….(he just said it was the wrong offer) why did God show him this opportunity if it was not to be taken??? (we know that God knows everything that will happen-before it happens…so why was it presented??) Is this God’s way of teaching hubby or myself something or was hubby wrong to pass this job offer up??
Its hard for me to not be mad at him..but, I know I have to forgive him…
Now according to the scriptures, I can only think that something good will come out of this??? Am I looking at it the right way?
Help me understand???
I know that God is always with me….He has lovingly, patiently guided me through a stage 3 cancer illness, a couple of yrs ago….I TRUSTED HIM COMPLETELY in that ordeal….I never blinked…I knew HE was there for ME! My faith never wavered..
Why is this job situation so much harder for me to deal with, when I know that all things work for the good to those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose?? I TRUST THAT GOD is here for ME…but why am I allowing doubt and frustration to enter my mind??? I keep doubting if my husband is a devoted Christian as he professes to be…I wonder if this is why we are facing all of the trials?? I know I am not supposed to judge anyone, least i be judged too..
My family and his family are telling me that he was stupid and wrong, not to take this job….It seems that they are passing judgment on him, too…
How does anyone else see this??
What a great and inspiring article. God never lets me down! There is a lesson to be learned, or a tribulation to go through to get to the other side where there is wisdom, strength, and faith…
that doesn’t even make sense. He got a wonderful opportunity then God took it away. What purpose did that serve?
I have worked my ENTIRE life. Went back to college and graduated at the age of 48 with my Bachelors Degree with honors while working full time. My blessing from God? My job was moved out of state in Feb. 2 months before I graduated. I was smart enough to save money and I mow lawns, pet sit and do odd jobs for extra money and to stay busy. But I couldn’t afford $330 for Cobra so I have no health coverage. Luckily I don’t need it right now. But…I could live with that.
Then 3 weeks ago, just 4 days before my birthday, my sweet baby Yorkie girl Allie died on the way home from Michigan on my vacation. Was she old? No, she was 5 years old and I have no idea what was wrong with her because WE WERE OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. So God put me in a position where I was totally helpless to try to save my dog that I loved so much. He put me in a position of guilt wondering day after day if I could have done something to help her. I am not married and have no kids. My dogs are my family. He took away the one living thing that gave me solace especially during this difficult time of not having a job. How is that a blessing?
I don’t need anyone’s sympathy-this is just an example of how unfair God can be.
I am not a saint, I am honest, hardworking, help others and try to be a blessing. I was already down with losing my job then God gave me another kick by letting my sweet dog Allie die. Sorry, but I don’t see the blessing IN THAT.
I so needed this word today. I am going thru trials and tribulations. I know that trials come to make us strong. I can see the good that is coming out of this. Thank you JESUS for confirmation.
A much needed reminder, and at precisely the right time. Thank you for this!
Jesus never said that we would not have trials and tribulations in fact he said we would. He says to be of good cheer I (he, Jesus) have overcome the world. It’s our faith that overcomes the world.
It a good thing to try and see the good that can come out of a bad situation but it’s not always apparent right away. Sometimes it hard to keep on going and have faith especially in difficult long term situations.
Thank you for these words of encouragement!
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful testimony. We do serve an awesome God.
I have battled bulemia, anorexia, alcoholism and deep depression. So many time I’ve said “God I can’t take anymore!” Sometimes more came- but with a strength that could have only from God I trudged on. Now I look back at those days of hardship and sorrow as such a blessing! I could not be the person I am now if I had not experienced what I experienced. I could not have helped the people I’ve helped if I had not been through these things. I would not have the appreciation for the wonders of life that surround me, if I had not been blinded so by my own misery at times that they were lost to me. God IS there. We WILL not have to face more than we handle if we ask for his help. There is a reason for what happens in our lives, and it’s up to us-with Gods help to find the blessings within. With God there is and always will be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks, Elmer, for your wonderful spiritual insight into turning, what we think are afflictions, into opportunities and “gifts of grace.” I can identify! I have been whining over the last 2 years of my life, because I lost my husband to death. He was my soul-mate, my beloved, my colleague, and my best friend. He warned me that this would be the “most horrible” thing he would send me through, and he was right. I miss him so much. I have been in horrible pain, both physical and emotional. I have been so lost and devastated without him. And yet in the midst of it, he is here. He is standing beside me, just like God was standing beside you, “whispering”. My pain is being turned into joy! In my devastation, I am being found. I am starting to write my spiritual memoir book, “Epilogue.” You are truly an inspiration! What a website and following you have. You have been listening to the whisper that is there for all of us, if we will only listen with our hearts! Thank you.
I think that I wouldn’t have tried to STAY but LEAVE and NOT WASTE my time and MONEY fighting it and just doing your work out of your home or find a place that you could rent and ABBA could have showed you, did you take it to PRAYER BEFORE doing all of this ??? Sometimes we Have to let GO and LET GOD! Maybe he wanted to teach you that you are NOT in CONTROL OF YOUR CIIRCUMSTANCES but that HE is and we are to SEEK HIS FACE in order to HEAR what HE WANTS instead of trying to do it in our OWN STRENGTH, sometimes God is saying IF YOU WOULD HAVE ONLY ASKED ME SOONER, i would have told you what to do but you didn’t want to HEAR my answer if it was LEAVE ! If we don’t FAST and PRAY then we will NEVER be able to hear him and its NOT while we are BUSY but to spend that quiet time with Abba and to listen to HIS VOICE and there is where you will FIND YOUR ANSWERS and DIRECTIONS amen
@Laura Smyser , God doesn’t give you a KICK in the pants when you are DOWN ok, its the devil that brings misery or ourselves if we are sinning and there is a open door. Just what you are saying is showing me that you either have been taught false doctrine or you are truly born again or understand who GOD really IS ? If God shuts one door then there is even a BETTER job out there and I am so sorry for your dogs loss but sometimes dogs have physical problems and maybe there is a dog that Gods wants you to love or save, we have to be POSITIVE and NOT BLAME GOD for things that we CAN’T SEE but in our troubles and hardships, GOD is trying to teach us to have JOY amidst the TRIALS ok and to be THANKFUL for what he HAS GIVEN to us and then the blessings will come, Jesus give us LIFE AND ABOUNDANCE and peace and joy and contentment and read in James 1 what God says that he teaches us in our trials character, perseverance, etc, ok to MATURE us and to teach us FAITH and to STAND and to TRUST GOD. God bless you